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"Well, Mr Afton, I do think you're free to go. You'll still be on probation and you'll still need to take your meds, but other than that, you've made remarkable progress. You haven't seen any nightmarish animatronics and you haven't had any episodes in the past few months." A doctor said, speaking to a young man. "We just need to fill out these last few forms and you'll be good to go. Maybe you can get your GED since you missed your last two years of high school."

"Thanks, doc." The young man spoke with a British accent. "Remember, you are to call immediately should you have any relapses or if your medication is no longer doing the trick. Your father should be picking you up soon so you can just wait in the front lobby." The doctor told his patient who merely nodded. The young man waited for a while before a man with brown hair and glasses walked in through the doors. He went to the reception desk while Afton stared at him. He recognized the man who turned and looked at him. "Mr Emily..." Afton whispered before the man walked toward him.

"It's good to see you again, Michael. It's been a long time. You've grown quite a lot." Emily said to Afton who nodded. Michael, as Afton was known as, wanted to talk but held back on what he wanted to say. "Come on, let's get your things to the car so I can drop you off back at home." Emily said while Michael nodded and followed, carrying his things with him.

When the two made it to the car, Michael watched everything around him, taking in the fresh air of the outside world. "I know things might be awkward given what happened four years ago, but that is in the past. You're lucky you're not in prison and that you actually have a chance to start over again... unlike some people I know." Emily said with venom in his voice with the last part of his sentence before he got into the car. Michael looked at the man before putting his things in the car before getting in the passenger seat. Emily started car and pulled out of the parking spot before driving away.

Michael who was tired of staying silent spoke up, "Mr Emily, not that I'm not grateful you picked me up, but why isn't my father here to do this?"

"Michael, we're both adults now, call me Henry. And as for your father, he skipped town since he's under investigation for five murders that happened two years ago. Fazbear Entertainment referred to this as the Missing Children's incident, but the bodies were discovered, stuffed into the animatronics. I know this isn't easy for you to hear, given what happened with your brother, but things aren't looking good for your father, especially since security camera footage picked up Spring Bonnie luring the kids into the back room where they were suspected to be killed."

Michael looked at Henry in disbelief, not wanting to believe a thing he just said. "What makes you say it was him? It could have been somebody else." Michael said, keeping his temper in check. "It could have been, but the fact that he went missing raises questions, especially since at least two kids went missing last year before he officially skipped town."


"Yeah, and you're not gonna like what I'm gonna say next, but I figured it'd be best to rip off the band-aid right now. One of the people that went missing was your sister. I haven't seen her since last year when a new restaurant opened up and closed on the same day. And if I'm being honest, as soon as I drop you off, I hope we don't encounter each other again, I just don't want to run the risk of seeing William again."

"He's your friend, why wouldn't you want to see him? And what do you mean Elizabeth is missing?"

"I stopped seeing him as a friend two years ago, especially since I'm positive he's the reason she's gone." Henry said as he looked at the steering wheel with somber eyes before looking back to the road. Michael was confused at what he had just learned. "Wait, Elizabeth is missing and father is gone, what happened to my mother?" Michael asked Henry who just kept paying attention to the road. "Henry, what happened to my mother?"

"She's gone Michael. The last few years have been tough on all of us, a lot has happened since you got sent away and frankly, I've had enough talking about it." Henry said, leading to the rest of the car ride being silent. Both he and Michael sat in silence before Henry stopped the car, in front of a familiar house. "We're here. I hope you have a good life, Michael. And please, don't come see me again." Michael just nodded and grabbed his things before leaving the car before Henry gave Michael a key. "Your dad gave me this key around the time we opened up the diner together, I already took my key back. It's only fair you get it before I leave." Michael nodded before Henry drove off, leaving Michael alone. The young man grabbed his things and went to the front door before opening it up and going inside. The house was dusty and there were many cobwebs in the corners of the living room and possibly the rest of the house. Michael simply sighed before realizing he was going to have to clean the rest of the house.

By the time Michael finished cleaning the house, he sat down on the sofa, exhausted. The young adult grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV only to get static on the screen. He groaned, knowing that his father skipped out on paying the Cable bill. With nothing to do, the young Afton looked to his side and found a picture of him and his family. The picture was the last one he took when the family was whole and somewhat happy. His father, William, stood next to his mother while he stood in front of his parents next to his younger brother, Evan, and his baby sister, Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked like a little version of their mother while Michael looked like a younger version of their father. Evan seemed to be a mixture of the two, poor little Even. Michael remembered how close he was to his siblings before he was put in charge of babysitting them. He remembered the resentment he felt and how he took it out on Evan by bullying him. Elizabeth was mainly ignored because if he bullied William's golden child, he'd get into a boatload of trouble.

Seeing the picture and remembering what he did triggered something within him. He didn't realize it, but his face was wet, tears pouring out from his blue eyes as he started bawling. He remembered that Evan was a good kid, undeserving of the terrible fate that befell him, a fate that was cast onto him by none other than Michael himself. It all went downhill since then, since the bite of '83. He thought hard about it and wished he could take it back. Evan deserved to live a long life, if he were still alive, maybe the house wouldn't be as empty. If he was a better brother, everything could have been completely different. After looking of into the hallway of the house leading to the bedrooms, Michael felt something he hadn't felt since before he was taken to the psychiatric hospital. A bone chilling feeling that traumatized him to this day, fear for the nightmares that hunted him for seven nights before losing his mind completely. The demonic laughter echoing throughout the house, the heavy footsteps. He shook his head and went to get his medication to help him deal with another episode that would be appearing.

"All stay well." Michael says before consuming the prescribed dosage of his meds.

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