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Muzan POV:

"Alright, love... When I give you the answer then."

"You can...You can still have hugs... But that's it. And I want to go see what Nezuko is doing."

"Alright, it's something. I also want you and Nezuko to meet all the other demons mainly to make sure guys don't get hurt. And we can go see Nezuko."

"Yay okay."

I start to leave the room with a little Tanjiro following closely behind me. We walk down a few hallways until we reach a bright pink door with green glitter. Tanjiro knocks, but I just barge in to see a tiny Nezuko on Daki's lap while Daki plays with Nezuko's hair.

"Well um, Tanjiro wanted to see Nezuko."

"I-if you guys are busy I'll wait for a minute..."

"O-Oh no, no, no it's okay you can see Nezuko..."

I watch as Nezuko gets off of Daki's lap and runs over to Tanjiro.


"Hey Nezuko I'm glad you're alright I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You can go back to your girlfriend~..."

I watch as Tanjiro turns his head to the side looking at Daki with dead eyes and no longer smiling which honestly scares me...If there is a Jesus I pray he never looks at me like that...

"If you EVER hurt my sister I'll kill you myself understand?"

"M-Mhm I...I understand!"

Tanjiro's demeanor changes back to normal, but something is unsettling about it that makes it even more terrifying. I find myself staring at him in complete horror. Despite my fear, he just smiles back at me as if nothing had happened, his expression sending shivers down my spine. At that moment, I couldn't help but think that he would make a perfect demon.

Tanjiro POV:

I leave the room knowing that Muzan is following. I head back to the room I was in. As soon as I enter the room Muzan starts to speak.

"Tanjiro... I killed your family because I was searching for the blue spider lily. Your mother refused to cooperate, and in my anger, I slaughtered them all. I didn't realize my blood had turned your sister into a demon. I sorry for the pain and suffering I have caused you. I left you with nothing but a sister transformed into a monster. I-I... I'm so sorry. I want you to love me, but I understand if you can't. If you wish, I'll let you and Nezuko go..."

I watch him start to cry as I back into the bed


I feel...sick like I might throw up.

"Why do you need the spider lily?"

"It will let demons walk into the sun..."

I go to him wiping his tears off his face and hug him.

"I'm sorry love..."

I feel something sharp stab my back and a liquid enters my system.

"What I said is true my darling and so were my feelings I meant every word, but I want us to be together for eternity please forgive me. I will do anything for you now to eternity "

I slip into darkness once again cursing myself for trying to give him a chance.

"I-I loved you, I loved you it's true...I did, but you betrayed me."

These will be the final words I utter before slipping into complete unconsciousness.

Muzan POV:

His words echoed in my mind as I paced back and forth in the dimly lit room. "He loved me?" I couldn't believe it. Regret gnawed at me as I realized the magnitude of my mistake. How could I have been so blind? I knew I had to wait until he woke up to try to mend things, but the minutes felt like hours as I anxiously anticipated his awakening.


Tears stream down my cheeks as I hurl objects across the room in frustration. I desperately rack my brain, searching for the right words or actions to mend the situation.

~Small time skip~

For the past week, I have been faithfully keeping vigil by Tanjiro's side, foregoing sleep, and not even feeling the motivation to hunt. My mind feels clouded, and frustration mounts as I anxiously wonder, when will he finally wake up?

Third-person POV:

That entire week has been quiet demons haven't gone out for any missions. When Nezuko found out about it she had gone completely crazy on Muzan. Hitting him, yelling, screaming, calling him names...Muzan just took it. After all, he deserved it. He hurt Tanjiro again. He doesn't deserve Tanjiro...Daki had to come in and take Nezuko away. Daki was just as angry with Muzan but didn't express it.  Tanjiro didn't deserve any of this. He was just a kid who had to grow up too fast.

Tanjiro POV:

I've been aware of everything that's been happening since I regained consciousness. I can't help but feel a sense of pity for Muzan. Despite the hurt and betrayal I feel, my love for him still lingers. From the moment we first met, I found myself drawn to him. It was as if love had struck me at first sight. However, I've come to realize that a beautiful appearance can conceal darkness within. I am aware that I will soon awaken, yet I must admit that a part of me is reluctant to do so. Slowly, I begin to open my eyes.

"Oh, my Tanjiro you're awake!! I'm so sorry. I-I messed up I know."

His embrace is strong, pulling me in, and in that moment, I find myself unable to resist the urge to hug him back. My arms wrap around him, holding him close. Next thing I know my nails get long and sharp. I scratch his back till I smell blood. I take my finger wiping the blood up then licking it off.

"What the hell?!" 

"You turned me into a demon I wanted some extra blood."


I smile. I guess Nezuko heard the commotion and came running in.

"Onii-san! I'm sorry I wasn't there for you!"

"It's okay Nezuko. I'm okay I promise."

I give my signature smile and hug her closely.

Hey loves finished this chapter. It's currently 2:03 am and my brain quit functioning. Love ya all hope you guys enjoyed this part!!

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