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Chrome calm and sterling beauty
Forged in adversity and war
Unbreakable steel her mind,
Perfection her primal duty

Pain is the greatest of teachers
And the universe has a way
Of teaching you the same lesson
Until you learn or find the grave

She is a quick student, though,
Wit honed to the limit
A sharp edge cutting through lies
Slicing delusions
Slaying fear

We all stand in awe of her mastery
There is no room for odds or chance
When she writes the script with her blade

Watch from afar and learn
If you want to last in here
A savage game of control
Behind golden masks of mirth
And it's for you to decide
Whether you are pawn
Or King

Eons ago her choice was made
From an outcast to a deity
She stands here now, unafraid
Imperious, regal, poised, deadly

True Elegance is always being in control
And mastering your emotions is an easy feat
When you possess the unwavering confidence
Everyone else is ten steps behind

Masquerade at the Edge of DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now