The Knockout Sauna

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It was mid-afternoon as Lucy looked over at the Fairy Hills dorm, a large house where most of the female members of Fairy Tail lived when not out on jobs, she grinned to herself as she stealthily entered and found no-one was currently in

"Perfect" she thought as she entered the sauna room and took out a small vial of green liquid from her pocket which she poured out over the coals before going into one of the empty guest rooms and waited

Less than an hour later Erza, Mira Jane, Lisanna, Juvia, Cana, Levy and Bisca all entered the house

"Ok ladies, ten minutes to get changed and then we can try out the new sauna!" Mira grinned as they went off to their own rooms

"It's a shame Lucy couldn't make it" Lisanna said sadly

"Yeah, I asked her but she said she wasn't feeling too well" Levy replied "She said she might come around later though"

Soon enough all of them were seated in the sauna wearing bikinis and enjoying the relaxing feeling of the steam on their tired muscles, while their bodies glistened

"Mmmm this is heavenly" Erza sighed

"It certainly is..." Bisca replied as they all sat there and relaxed, Cana then poured some more water on the hot coals to unleash more steam

"So relaxing..." she said aloud

"Yeah..." everyone replied contentedly as they began to slowly drift off until they were all fast asleep. A few minutes later Lucy entered and looked at the group of unconscious women

"Payback time!" she said aloud.

I know you guys hate these short beginnings, but that's all I can think of for these beginnings.

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