It's Lisanna and Bisca's Turn

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Meanwhile Lucy walked over to the room two doors away and stepped inside

"How are we feeling ladies?" she asked the occupants

"MMMFFFFFF!!!!!!!!" came the frantic cry from within as she grinned at Lisanna and Bisca.

Lisanna and Bisca were both laying side by side on a bed, each covered from neck to ankles in saran wrap which pinned their arms at their sides while duct tape had been placed around their upper bodies, waists, thighs and ankles for added security and large ball gags had been secured in their mouths along with cuffs securing their ankles to the bed frame to prevent them from getting off

"LLHHFFFF???!!!" they both cried in shock at seeing that she was the one who had captured them

"Yep it's me! And I bet you're wondering why I tied you up like this?" she asked the panicking girls before holding up two feathers "Anyone want to guess?"

Lisanna and Bisca immediately went pale as they guessed what she had planned

"NNNNFFF!!!!! PPLLSSSFFF DDNNNFFF!!!!!!!" they began crying

"Funny, I remember saying the same thing at Tenrou Island, oh well isn't life funny sometimes!" Lucy replied cruelly as she knelt down and looked at the two pairs of helpless feet now on display before her. Lisanna's were cute size 6's with adorable toes and white nail polish matching her hair while Bisca's were size 9's with deep arches and long toes topped with bright red nail polish and a silver toe ring on her left foot

"Wow Lisanna your feet are so cute! And Bisca, your feet look like they were just pedicured, if I recall didn't you mention that your dear hubby likes to tickle you a lot? I guess you enjoy the attention seeing how well pampered they are!" she chuckled as she removed the toe ring to see Bisca and Alzack's name in small letters with their anniversary date engraved on the inside of the ring

"Well let's get started!" she chuckled as she placed it back on her toe before holding up a pair of feathers

Lisanna and Bisca continued protesting as the feathers got closer and closer to their feet as they tried pulling free of the restraints

"HHHLLLFFF!!!!! HHHLLLFFF!!!!!!" they screamed

"That won't do you any help ladies, everyone else is currently tied up awaiting their turn!" Lucy giggled as the feathers finally touched their soles

"MMMHHFHFHFHFHHFHFFF!!!!!!!!!!!" both shrieked as they almost jumped off the beds!

"HHHHFHHFFMFMMFMMFMFMFMFMFMFHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" they both cried with laughter as Lucy casually flicked the feathers against their arches making them immediately squeal and try desperately to pull away

"Trying to escape huh? Well imagine what it would be like to be buried in sand while being tickled without mercy" Lucy smirked as she watched their desperate attempts to get free

After a while Lucy decided to focus on one of them at a time, pointing at them back and forth

"Let's" she finished, pointing at Lisanna who shook her head about in protest

"NNNFFF!!!! PPSSLLFFF LLUUFFFYYYY!!!!!!!" she pleaded, her blue eyes opening wide in a panic

"Now I wonder if you will last longer than your sister did!" Lucy chuckled as she undid Lisanna's ballgag


"Aw I remember begging like that" Lucy replied, ignoring Lisanna's pleas as she knelt back down and took out a bottle from her bag before pouring it generously over Lisanna's feet

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