Remember Tenrou Island, Ezra And Mira?

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Erza's eyes open and she yawned despite thinking she hadn't gone to sleep, in fact the last thing she remembered was being in the sauna...

"What?" she gasped as she found her vision impaired and realised it was a blindfold tied around her eyes! She then frantically tried to remove it only to sense her arms and legs were bound as well!

"WHO DID THIS!!!?" she shouted angrily

"Erza? Is that you?" she heard Mira who was next to her asked worriedly

"Yes! What's going on?"

"I don't know! The last thing I remember was being in the sauna and just waking up here!"

"Ok enough of this! REQUIP!!!!!" she shouted, planning to activate her powerful Heaven's Wheel armour to cut through the ropes...but nothing happened!

"Erza! I already tried that! Somethings blocking our magic, we're trapped here!"

"Yes... exactly where I want you..." Lucy's voice then spoke out

Erza and Mira both looked towards the direction of their friend's voice

"L...Lucy? You did this?" Erza gasped in shock

"Why?" Mira added worriedly but Lucy ignored them as she looked at her captives, both were lying on the floor side by side on their backs in Erza's room with their feet propped up on the bed where she was sitting, their ankles were bound to the bedframe while their arms were stretched out and secured by chains to a huge weight against the far wall. Both were still in their bikinis from the sauna, Erza in red and Mira in blue along with matching colour blindfolds

"Because, it's my turn..." she said deviously as she drew her finger along Mira's left arch

"EEEPP!!" Mira squealed at the unexpected sensation against her foot, causing her to immediately kick

"Mira?! What's happening?!" Erza shouted at the commotion

"This" Lucy replied as she did the same to Erza

"HHAAAMFF!!!!!" Erza giggled as well at being caught off guard before stifling her laughter "What are you doing!?!" she then shouted

"Oh don't you remember Tenrou Island?" she replied calmly as she began trailing her index fingers against their soles, Erza's size 9's and Mira's size 8's "You see I never got a chance to try for the title of Fairy Tail's best tickler" she added as she picked up two large feathers next to her "But now I'm gonna!"

Erza and Mira both gasped in shock when they realised what was happening

" was only a joke!!!!!" Mira cried in a panic

"Yes...please Lucy, we are both so sorry! You can stop this now!" Erza added but they both then felt the feathers brush against their feet


"IIHHTTT WWAAHAAHSSS JJAAHSSTT AAAAHH JOHOHOHKKEEE!!!!!! they giggled as the feathers moved slowly against their soles, before shrieking as they felt her nails dragged quickly against their feet, Lucy had been to get a manicure earlier that day to ensure that her nails were nice and sharp!


"Oh, but I don't want to stop" Lucy replied casually, she watched as two of the strongest wizards in the world were now helplessly trying to get away from her "How do you like the restraints? Virgo made them for me specially when I said they were to punish someone, and all I had to do in return was promise to punish her later when I'm finished here!"

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