Rescue Mission Part II

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Sorey laid on the floor of the Kazekage's office with her eyes closed as she hummed a small tune to herself. It was nearing sunset and she was waiting for Gaara to finish his paperwork. She let out a short yawn. "Gaarraaa, c'mon, it's almost time to eat" She whined, turning to her side as she hugged her stomach.

Gaara peeked up from his paperwork staring at Sorey before looking out the window. Sure enough the sun was setting, but that's not what he was looking at. All afternoon he's been seeing glimpses of some strange white bird flying around his village. While he had shinobi stationed outside watching the skies, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Yes, it is." He spoke softly. His gaze returned to Sorey who was now leaning against his desk with her chin resting on her hand.

"You always do this, putting off your needs to finish one task! It's not healthy. You need to start eating dinner, and I'm talking about full meals too!" She finished, pointing at him. "No more eating small meals! You're a growing boy and need to eat a lot so you can be big and strong!"

Gaara looked at the stack of papers in his hand, then at Sorey. "..Fine. Give me an hour and we can eat."

Sorey jumped up, pumping her fist in the air. "Yay!" She skipped to one of the chairs in his office and sat in it, talking to herself. "I wonder what we should eat! Maybe we can have.." Sorey continued to talk to herself about dinner options, weighing which options were better. Rather silly if you think about it. Gaara smiled to himself and got back to work. Just one more hour and he was free to relax for the rest of the night.

The hour passed rather quickly for Gaara, once he was done he pushed himself out of his chair and walked over to the window. The stars shone brightly tonight, in the reflection of the mirror he could see Sorey slumped in one of the chairs sleeping. He signed to himself. "And you tell me to look after myself." 

As he gazed back out the window, there he saw the white bird again..only this time there were also three..were those smoke signals? No, he shook his head, too much of a cluster to be a smoke almost looked like anâ€"explosion!

Gaara grabbed his vest and gourd and quickly put it on. Heading out the door when he was stopped by Sorey, who had just woken up. She rubbed her eye in slight irritation. "Stupid eyelash.." She mumbled to herself. "Gaara, where ya going?"

He paused. "I'll be a few minutes, there's something I need to look at."

"Can I come too?" Sorey questioned, standing up and stretching her back cracking it a few times.

"No." Gaara denied. "Just stay in here." He left before Sorey could argue.

She plopped back down on the sofa. "Rude." She sat straight up, what was Gaara doing on the roof? She could feel his chakra moving, specifically his sand. It was as if it was chasing someone. But there was no one there.

She sat in confusion before she decided to head to the roof as well. By the time she arrived at the roof Gaara was..gone? She shook her head, no that isn't right she can still sense his chakra around, in the air- and there was someone else too!

They were fighting in the air..she crossed her arms. Now she knows why Gaara told her to stay behind. She was a sitting duck in the air. There was no surface of any sort for her to use. While she could use Gaara's sand, it would still be no use as she wouldn't be able to track where the opponent was.

The blonde haired akatsuki member giggled to himself as he used his scope to zoom in on the Kazekages tower, right where Sorey was. "So our intel was correct. The Pink haired shinobi known as Sorey Haruno is residing in the sand village.."

Gaara glared at him, willing to raise a massive wave of sand in the air. Giant arms of sand flew towards the Akatsuki member, trying to capture him. But to no avail, as the bird he flew on swiftly evaded each sand claw. Sticking his hand into his bag he took out some clay and molded two handfuls of small clay birds.
He flew right towards Gaara, who in turn sent a giant sand claw speeding towards him. Unfortunately, he was able to narrowly avoid the claw. He threw one hand full of the clay birds towards Gaara.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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