Chapter 1: TF happened here?

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Peter walked into the avengers compound with many things running in his mind.... Even though today had been a half day, he had to give three surprise tests along with a few submissions, so yes, he had had a really mentally exhausting day and just wanted to spend time lazying with his family

He was still adjusting to living in the compund after his Aunt May had passed away and Tony had taken his custody. He had been quite and sulky for a whole month. It took Tony and the Avengers (The Accord had been revised and after a lot of bickering, the Avengers had regrouped). The team had helped out Tony as they had grown quiet fond of the 15 year old kid. I mean, who could blame them... Look at his bambi'ed eyes!!

The teen, unknowingly, had managed to bring the scattered group into talking and living terms. He was the glue which was holding the team together. So when they saw the teen g- sorry- their teen go from a overenthusiastic, nerdy, smiley kid to a living zombie, had broken their hearts and frightened them. It took them two months -TwO WhOLe FrEAkiNg MoNThS to get him normal and functioning again. They had even shifted to the tower because he was comforted by the sound of vehicles. It wasn't a big problem though, they used to spend a weekend at the tower with the Starks atleast once a month anyway.

He was still a bit insecure, but they were making sure he was eating, sleeping and overall happy. For example, today morning, he was promised a sparring session and a movie night. He knew that he won't be able to participate in the sparring session, but movie night sounded really good. Today was a half day, so he would also be available for lunch with his family too. This thought made him smile even more.

As he was approaching the Tower, he knew that something was really wrong. There were a few police cars and reporters swarming the base. Many barricades were placed around the entrance to keep the anxious crowd at bay. There must be somewhere around a hundred to a few present at the entrance. He knew that with all these people around, they won't let him enter the base. So he opted to go from the back door which only the avengers knew.

Before going he looked up to be met by a horrible view. The upper floors had smoke comming out of them. Almost all the windows were broken. As he was moving to the back of the tower, his spidey ears picked up what the reporters were talking about.
'The towers was attacked an hour ago, the whole building has went into some kind of a lockdown-'
'-e avengers are still in and i think some of the employees too-'
'We can't get in, the Smoke is on the upper levels-"
'-icopters are called, but to no avai-'
'People scared
'Some people are saying that the saw spiderman go in the building a few minutes ago, though they are just speculations-'
'-gers's status is till not kno-' After this he stoped himself from listening anymore as he reached the door

He punched the code to the secret door and entered the building. There was an eeary type of silence in the building. The one which leaves an unsettling feeling behind. There were no humans rushing here and there. No shouting. No foot sounds. No workers were present in the building.

That was weird. It wasn't a holiday, nor was it a half day for the workers. And people the reporters were saying that few employees were stuck here... His spidey senses had started to go off the second he had crossed the towards threshold. His spidy sense started to go off more and more as he reached the avengers level.
"Umm.... Ms Friday?" He called out slowly, only to get replied by more silence. The place looked normal, like it had been in the morning. Except..... The broken glass of the windows... Except....There was no Mr. Sam cooking in the kitchen. There was no Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky rambling in the dining area. There was no Uncle Clint and Aunt Nat on the couch polishing their knifes. There was no Mr. Thor trying to tie a letter for Ms. Jane on a Raven's leg with Mr. Stark laughing beside him, recording everything. He shook out the view of the morning from his mind... Of course they weren't there, they were attacked for God's sake!
"Ms FRIDAY, can you hear me? " Well this was wierd, she always responded...

As he was thinking about this, he looked around the level and moved towards the kitchen. It was the same. Just then he saw a sticky note on the kitchen counter with his name on it. He slowly approached it and opened it.

'Peter. Unknown gas. We Compromised. U be safe. Go lab. FRIDAY down. Go LAB!. '

Compromised? What context was this even written in? It was definitely written by someone who was in a rush. And that someone was definitely Clint based on this handwriting. Unknown gas? This surely had to do something with the compromised bit of the note...well, there was smoke coming out of the tower...And Friday was down?!! What did that even mean?? Only Tony knew how to take her down... Which means... Oh..All he knew was that he was supposed to go down to the lab... Maybe there he would find some answ- just at this moment, his spidey sence went haywire.... And he was met with a strong blow on his head.

His vision had stars dancing over them before he felt another blow coming his was. Which thankfully, he was able to avoid. He ducked down, did a front/side roll and just went away from his attacker. He was ready to strike his attacker when he saw who it was. It was Clint. He felt his blood run cold as his eyes met Clint's. They were foggy and utterly emotionless.

"Uncle Cli-" Peter began but was quickly silenced when Clint rushed forward and quickly rammed him to the wall. His hands choking Peter. Normally he would have deflected such an attack, but his brain had gotten so fuzzy and confused on what the f was going on, that he completely missed it. Peter tried to wriggle from the old man's grasp, but it was really strong, Even though he was just using his one hand. And he couldn't just use his powers on his uncle!

He was getting more breathless with each passing second. He needed to do something quick or he was definitely going to pass out.... but it was hiss Uncleee!!..But, then again, he didn't look anything like his uncle, this was Clint Barton, one of the world's finest assassins. And he sure was acting like one when he felt a nerve wracking punch on the side of his stomach. That punch really brought him back to reality and unwantedly his survival instincts kicked in and he kicked Clint, very lightly, in his... Well you can guess where.

This made Clint's hand leave his neck, and Peter fell down onto the floor like a ragdoll. Even though it was really straining, he started to breath deeply. He really wanted to stay down, but he knew he would be dead within a second with Clint already stirring in his place. Peter Scrambled himself into a somewhat standing position and started to run out of the room when he felt his leg collide with something, resulting him to land on the cold tiles of the big living/dining room. He turned and looked back, only to come in contact with Natasha's eyes. They were the same as Clint's. Foggy and having a glint of loathing in them.

Thats when a chill went down his spine. Thats when the words on the note made sense to him. The Avengers had been compromised.


Hi! Author here, thankyou so much for giving this story a chance. I hope that you liked this first chapter and I promise you that more chapters are on way!

I have a basic idea of the story, and this story will update mostly twice a week.

Hope you have a good day :)

Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.

_ All work is original. Do not copy _

1414 words, written on 17th May 2024

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