Chapter 3: A Chained God and a Heartfelt Bye

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He really needed to take the blade out... He took a deep breath of determination and hesitation and reached out for the knife. With a muffled scream and a shaking hand he pulled out the blade. He knew that one shouldn't take a blade out as it could cause bloodloss, but knowing his healing, he knew that his skin will grow around the freaking blade if he kept it in.

He shakily pulled out his handkerchief and bandaged his shoulder. He let himself rest for a moment or two and set himself a course towards the lab. Knowing that it was close and hopefully no one will meet him on the way. And oh boy! Was he in the wrong.


      He started to go in the direction of the staircase which will lead him to Tony's lab. His breathing was becoming more and more normal with each passing second. The pain in his throat was subdueding to some extent. He relaxed knowing that his questions were going to get answered in a few moments.

     The lab was on the floor below the common floor. It had Tony's and Bruce's big labs with convertible adjoining walls so that they can work together when they wanted and can have their privacy accordingly. There was a silent room just by the staircase in case of a hulky case Or if someone needed some restraining. It was made of  a strong metal aloy with few godly chains in case of a Loki outbreak (Even after his death, they weren't removed.)

      He slowly got down the stairs, his thoughts running madly in his brain. Were all of them affected? Surely some of them will be sane... Right? Who - who were here during the attack? Oh God.. What was he supposed to do if  Wanda was here! She was deadly even if there was no mind control involved! And if her mind was not in her control ... Oh Lord. She was a killing machine!

      I mean... Everyone in this building is going to be a killing machine, but by the looks of it, none of them had their weapons on them.... What if Mr. Bruce was her- no.. He would have heared hulk's roar by now... Thor? What if he was here.... Then there was no hope left.. He was a God for fuc'- fishes sake! Just then his ears picked up a sound from the silent room.

      Did he knew that in his current situation, he shouldn't follow the direction of a sound? Yes. That he should not go anywhere other than the lab? Also yes. But was it true that he did not have any self preservation skills? A Big big yes. So that's why he found himself looking at the door of the silent room.

      He slowly peeped into the room and was met with a sight which calmed his nerves down to some extent. It was Thor. But he was chained by the weird restrains. He was knocked out. By different strong sleeping pills. How did he know it? There were 2 empty sleeping pill bottles laying a foot away from the God.

      He slowly went near the god to see if he was still alive. He knew that he was going to be completely fine considering he was a god, but, as Mr Steve always said, always double check. He slowly tiptoed toward the god, and kept his fingers under his nose. He was breathing. Peter let out a sigh of relief when he felt someone staring at him. He looked back to be met with his uncle Bucky in front of him. But.. He was missing his metal arm!

      He looked up from his hands to his face and felt all the blood drain out from his own face. The eyes were clouded and cold. There were no emotions in them, they were missing their usual twinkling, the love, and overall the Buckyness . The only thing present in them was coldness, and a hollowy hollowness. It wasn't his Uncle Bucky whome he was staring at, it was the Winter Soldier.

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