chapter 7

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Lilian's POV


"It'll take 2 hours to finish. In the meantime, why don't you both head to Madam Rosa's Jewellery? She's not very famous but her jewelleries are always the best and on trend," Richard suggested while he checked us out.

"Really, we'll check it out then. Where is it?" "It's just 2 buildings away, on your left." We left the shop and strolled to the Jewellery shop. I looked at the display window and immediately, pulled Harry and I inside. I looked around at the jewels display at the counter.

There's 2 people inside. The woman is....... filing her nails while the other is organising the jewelry into the cases. Oh boy. I can already see how this is gonna go. I walked up to the lady that was filing her nails and asked her if she could pull a few out so I could see the jewelry up close.

She looks at me up and down and scoffs, "Little girl, I don't think you understand what these precious jewelries are. These are not toys, there are precious handmade jewels by Madam Rosa. I don't want to let them be dirtied by your grimy little hands and ruin my chance of getting an important customer. Run along and don't make trouble for me!"

She even had the nerve to shoe me away like a fly. I looked at her name tag and memorised it. Muka, huh. This bitxh really needs to be knocked a peg or two. I was about to go full Karen on this woman when the other girl ask if she could help me. I made my request again and she happily complied.

We moved away from the toxic woman, who snorts and ignored us. She starts to show me some of their most popular pieces, including the ones I pointed out. "Sammy, dear. You shouldn't help people who can't afford it. That girl is literally wasting your time. This is exactly why you've never gotten promoted." Samantha (that's her real name) didn't fight back and continued to assist me.

By the time I finished picking out the jewels I wanted, it was already 6 pm and I had already picked 16 sets of jewellery for many occasions. "Are you guys done yet?" Harry asked for the 7th time. "Yes, we are. Let me check out first. Wait for me outside, will you?" Harry went out first.

When we were about to check out, Mika came out from the back and took a peak at the register. "85,000 galleons!" She looks at Samantha and I mockingly. "Are you sure she'll be able to pay? Remember, we don't pay in instalments. If you can't pay, I'll call the Aurors on you!" She walks back to her seat and continues to file her nails.

I'll show you who's a show off! "Don't mind her. She's been like that ever since she got promoted as store manager. Would you like to pay cash or key?" "She can't pay, Sammy. Might as well not insult our store name anymore," Mika continues her unending insults at us.

I turned my head towards the blasted woman and pulled out my Ravenclaw key. "I'll pay by key." I gave her a smirk as the two clerks noticed the crest on the key. Samantha shakily enters the amount and it went through, as it should. "I wouldn't mock an heir to the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff family so easily." I gave my best condescending smirk at her and grabbed my bag of goodies.

"The name's Lilian Potter. It's a pleasure to meet you, Samantha. I hope you'll continue to assist me next time." Samantha's eyes widen even more at the revelation of my name. Mika was stuttering at the back, unable to comprehend what she just did.

"O-of course, miss. Come back soon!" I waved goodbye to Samantha and walked out with a smirk still on my face.  Harry was sitting on a bench, " I'm guessing you've shown that woman a lesson?" "Yep, though I did have to reveal my name. Nevertheless, it will happen one way or another. We'll grab our shoes and clothes first, then we can grab dinner at the bar."

We went to grab the shoes first. Richard was delighted at being able to get so many orders that he threw in an extra pair of Mary Janes heels for me. A surprise guest greeted us at Madam Malkin's. Why the bloody hell are the Malfoy's here?

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