chapter 15

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Lilian's POV

Daisy and Hilaria left the room to prepare for the party. I took a bath, a heavenly one at that and got ready for bed. I ate my dinner  while continuing to read a few of the books that Alec had laid out for me till I fell asleep.

 I ate my dinner  while continuing to read a few of the books that Alec had laid out for me till I fell asleep

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The next day

A soft bell ring woke me up. I pulled the comforter away and sat up. "Good morning, your majesty. I've prepared your breakfast," Daisy greeted me with a tray of breakfast floating behind her, and a bell in her hand. So, that's where the noise was coming from.

She placed the floating breakfast onto my lap. "Thank you, Daisy. Is Harry awake yet?" I ask, digging into my food. "Yes, your majesty. His highness is awake and is eating his breakfast right about now. Sebastian tells me that his highness will be in the library until it's time for the party

Also, I've already prepared a few selections of dresses for your highness to wear for the tea party. May I show it to you?" I nodded. Three dresses flew out of the closet. "Which would you like to wear?" I thought about it from a moment before picking the green one. "Excellent choice, your majesty. I'll make sure to iron those for you. What about shoes?" "My white Mary Janes shoes should fit perfectly." I don't want to look too mature for now.

"I understand. I'll have Hilaria polish those for you right away."

"I see. Also, I want to add that I'll be giving the house elves an allowance every month for themselves. It's not a wage but just money you can use for yourself. You can use them however you like. So, make sure to hand them 10 galleons for this moth allowance and for the future months as well. You as well, Daisy. It's an order." I added the order thing because I know the house elves would try to reject it.

"Alright, your majesty....." Daisy replied to me solemnly. "I'll be sure to send the notice to Griphook's office. For now, would you like a shower or a bath?"

"Shower will do. Just leave my clothes on the bed. I can handle everything else. I'll ring the bell if I need any assistance." I left my cosy bed and got in to the bathroom for my morning shower. I was about to brush my teeth when I spotted a note. It was on a tray filled with skincare items.

Your majesty, I prepared some skincare lotions and creams from you to use. Eve made it as thanks. Eve is  very talented at potions and made sure that the items are safe and perfect for you to use. Enjoy!

I guess Daisy took the liberty to get some skincare or make them? For me...... I used the cleanser and toner first and it was perfect! My skin was very sensitive after the cleansing and this doesn't irritate it at all. I became more ecstatic and scooped out some of the moisturising cream and lather it into my skin. It feels so nice and I used some of the homemade sunscreen before finishing up my skincare routine.

I rang the bell and called out for Eve. She popped into the room, "your majesty, Eve is very sorry for stepping out of line. Eve will accept any punishment--- " "No!" I quickly stopped her and grabbed her for a hug. She gave a squeak, "your majesty?"

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