Chapter 18

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Lilian's POV

They sat in front of me with a cup of tea. I slowly took a sip of my own while they try to wrap their heads around everything. "You're a queen." Bill stated. " I'm a Crown Princess but a queen more or less. My brother, Harry will be joining us later on but for now let's get into why I asked for you to come here."

I gestured to Daisy to bring in the papers. I handed them to Lord Weasley. Immediately after skimming through it, he got up and kneeled to the ground. Begging for forgiveness and to spare his children.

The boys looked confused and looked through the document as well. They all went shocked at the content of my blood test. "My full name is Princess Lilian Marie Pendragon-Potter-Lupin-Prince-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff-Le Fay. The girl-who-lived and heiress of the Pendragon family and Hogwarts. You're welcome."

Their jaw drops and Arthur went full on begging on his knees to spare his children. "Get up, Lord Weasley. I didn't call you here for punishment. I am offering a job for you." The children, who were about to beg as well, looked confused.

"A job?" Lord Weasley asked.

"Yes, get up first and then, we can talk." Arthur got up and sat back on his chair. "I wish for you to help me modernize Britain's Wizarding World. I'm planning on making a company that integrates muggle devices and make them magical for us to use. I've had my bankteller to reach out to a few people that work for this line of work,

But they need a leader. Which is where you come into play." I handed him the contract for five years. "If you wish to back out, you can. If you sign it, you'll be made head of the invention team. Your salary is 25,000 a month with added bonuses for successful projects and a 5% share of the company. You just need to hand in your two weeks notice and you may start immediately."

Arthur read through the contract and immediately signed the paperwork as well as his two weeks notice for the ministry. "Before that, I wish for you to send this as well to Madam Bones." I handed him the letter address to her. Arthur carefully tied the letters to the messenger owl and sent it off.

"Now, that's out of the way. I wish to talk about your children." They stiffen at the news. "Don't worry, I won't punish all of you. Just your wife and younger siblings." Arthur looked sad at my statement but I hold my ground. I tell him that what they did was line theft and they would have been sent immediately to the goblin mines as slave workers but I won't.

"Then, what do you wish to do, your majesty?" Percy asked. He was the most clear-headed one at the moment as his brother's are still upset at their siblings and mother's betrayal.

"I will leave them be for now. It's not worth my effort and time to take petty revenge on people my age. However, I suggest you straighten them from their mother's influence. A mind healer might do some good for the both of them. Their mother, on the other hand, is a different story. I wish for you to be cleansed before starting work because of it." Arthur agreed without any hesitation.

"For your children, I know that Percy will be starting soon. Because of it, I wish for both of you, " I pointed at Percy and Charlie. "to keep an eye out for any potential allies and talents that can be utilised for the future."

"Are there certain criteria you wish for us to keep an eye on, your majesty?" Percy and Charlie already jotted down my request.

"Students that are particularly talented in Runes, Arithmancy, Alchemy, Ancient studies and DADA. Exclude the ones who are 'talented' at Divination, which is a joke." I also add in for them to keep an eye on anyone who seems like a spy for Dumbledore. I wouldn't put it past him to already have a spy for the students that could be a threat or ally for his organisation.

"Is that everything?"

"Yes." For now at least. Percy and I continue to discuss the movements that have to be done while Arthur, Charlie and Bill read through for the laws that I wish to be abolished and those that will be reinstated or made. "Hey sis. I'm back." I heard Harry called out my name form behind. I got up while the Weasley's bowed down to him and greeted him.

"Don't let me bother you. I'm just here to talk to the twin's." Fred and George looked surprised at this but followed him out anyway. I continue my discussion with Percy. "Your majesty, I think the laws with the werewolves might be a bit tricky. The full moon phase is still a huge problems that is used to undermine werewolves rights."

Charlie looked at me worriedly but I smirked at him, "don't worry, I have somebody who can help with that. I also have a few ideas for the matter. How would you say....... a trunk for werewolves to shift in?"

"Huh?" Charlie says, confused. "A trunk that is similar to a forest. Werewolves need to shift every full moon. I can't lie about that but If we can use the function of the trunks unbreakable ability, we can make a safe haven for them to shift anytime it's a full moon. This method is safe with added in locking charm to keep them in until the full moon is over. I call it the unbreakable moon trunk."

"Genius!" Bill was writing it down vigorously.  If you let majesty made it a law for every werewolf to use it during a full moon, cases of dangerous shifting accident will be lessened more and more. The ministry has no choice but to agree to give werewolves more rights as normal citizens."

"What about vampires, though?" Arthur asked. I told them of a muggle that is similar to synthetic blood that is given to vampires in Australia. It worked and this method is used across the world. "Britain is too closed off from the outside world that these inventions are unheard of. The laws that made blood magic and other types of 'supposedly' dark magic illegal also undermine the progress of cures and antidotes to be used on patients.

For example, Frank and Alice Longbottom insanity can be cured but it needs the blood of their child or the closes family member. Heir Longbottom could have his parents again if this method is legal in Magical Britain." (A/N: I had these ideas from other creators. So, if you know some of it, just know that I'm not claiming them as mine)

Arthur looked conflicted and sad. I know from the story that him and Neville's parents are closed in the Order. They could've been cured if these laws had not banned the use of other types magic. Neville wouldn't have to grow up as an orphan and be tortured by his uncle. As it was getting late, We planned to meet up again tomorrow.

"I will send in your salary tomorrow after the cleansing. You'll be meeting with the team and working effectively tomorrow at 8 am. Don't be late." We send them off.

It was a productive day from the two of us..... "Hold on, what did you talk with the twins just now?" I asked. Harry gave me a mysterious smile and told me "later."

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