Plans And Discoveries Part Two

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Shè squinted against the light. There was something off about the way Reuben was communicating with her. He'd never been able to use language before this trip, always using images or sounds to explain. However, right now the words were blurred with an emotion, one she'd never associated with a Whirbeast or Reuben. Panic, fear, but there was an undertone of soothing that jumbled everything up.

"Merran," she warned, but then had nothing to add, because she didn't really understand. Maybe Reuben was just as confused by what was happening to him as she was. This after all was the first time, he was using their language.

"What is it?" Merran was shielding her eyes against the light, trying to use her hand to block it so she could see the shapes beyond.

It wasn't necessary. "Merran of Temis, you come back."

She felt Merran stiffen beside her. "Misa," exhaled from her lips, part fear part determination not to show it.

The short woman came into view, her silk robes reflecting red in the light —

She gasped. "Reuben!"

She reached for the light, only for it to dart towards Misa and hover over her shoulder.

"Ah Captain," Misa's dark-eyes locked onto hers, "how wonderful to meet you. I have heard rumours. Of course, I had. But you are remarkable. Your hold over this little Whirbeast must be most strong considering his state."

Merran hardly heard her, she tried to communicate with him —

She moaned in agony; the connection was gone. She could no longer feel him. The loss was unimaginable. It opened her up like an orange exposing her vulnerability. "What have you done to him?"

"Nothing," the Sulphite replied casually, "I'm in your mind deary, blocking him off from you."

"What do you mean you're in her mind?"

Misa focused on Merran, those slitted eyes sizing her up as if testing her. "You have no idea what these stones can do, even fragments like the ones left behind."

"I do," Merran argued, but Shè could hear it in her voice that she didn't.

So, could Misa. "You know of the basics. Healing, foresight. But there are more. Ones that provide the correct bearers the ability to delve into minds, alter memories or steal them, others that gift strength, speed, intelligence and the ability to create and craft magic in an area that makes the user completely in control."

Shè knew Misa spoke of where they were now, it was the only reason it had never been found. The Sulphite had used the fragments to hide it, only Merran and her strange affinity with enchantments had managed to locate it, or Reuben and his connection...

She trailed off. "I have orders to take you to the king and —

"Oh please," Misa chuckled, "I can read your thoughts, ah you've a quick mind girl."

She had cursed herself for not realising it before she said it, and Misa had sensed or heard it.

"People know where we are," Merran chimed in, "they know about the caves. They'll come for —

"You're a different one Merran of Temis," Misa cut in, her distorted grasp of the language gone, as if she were using her mind to get a better hold of their speech. Most Sulphites still struggled with their vocabulary, "I can't hear or see anything in your mind, but I still know you're lying."

Before she could even ask Reuben's light brightened, and the entire tunnel was revealed. Three massively built Tarkian's stood behind Misa, just out of range, and each one held a familiar person.

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