Enemies & Friends

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Targun watched from the shadows of the opulent throne room that would one day be his to rule. It was his birthright, there was no denying that. The enchanted seat swirling with the orbs of his own mines made it both powerful and a marvel to behold. High-backed, a combination of topaz, lilac, magenta, copper, bronze, teal, violet and many more that blended together into a refined polished marble. A range of gift-abilities and more curtesy of the Sulphite mines. His own powers handled by Aradian's. It was almost too much to bear. But it wouldn't matter. The king could use all the Gift-Abilities in the world, but Sulphites were immune to them. He knew exactly what was going on here, exactly who these fake rulers were. But it didn't matter the tournament like Aradia would be open to all. A mistake, like Erya's politics.

In the end the Kings plan would be for nothing. The type of kingdom he had dedicated his life to create would fall, but Targun would make sure the shield didn't go down with it.

"You're drawing attention to yourself Targun," the high priest had snuck up on him.

He stiffened, Shakur was his mentor, the highest of the Sulphites, a man who demanded better than your best.

Targun managed to school his features. "Sorry High priest," he managed, "it isn't easy to see the King play these kinds of games especially with what's at stake. I mean just so they can —

"Targun," Shakur warned, his eyes slits in the dimness, "never mention that, if the king finds out his spell didn't work on us it will all be for nothing, he will realise I've been plotting from the moment he mentioned this pathetic plan. And the less he knows of you the better, just stay silent and keep close. When the time is right, we'll reveal what we know and the king," he sneered at Erya speaking to his meek attempts at avoiding the curse, "despite all his well thought out plans and softness regarding his responsibilities will have no choice but to follow through with it."

"I'll win the tournament," he hissed, "I'll —

"The tournament doesn't matter..." the high priest trailed off, Targun froze, when Shakur snapped into thoughtful silence it didn't bode well for those in close proximity.

"Targun," he eventually whispered, leaning in so his breath heated his ear and laying his long hands on his shoulders, "do you wish to please the king, to draw attention and show him who you are. Do you want him to notice you?"

"No!" He lied immediately; he knew it wasn't true like he knew exactly what was going on around him. Deep down he had always wanted the king to see him, to know...

"I sense you're being dishonest boy," Shakur squeezed his shoulder, pressing his fingers deep into the sensitive tissue. Targun grimaced but showed no pain.

"I serve the gods of Sulfa,' he managed to get out, "I only want them to see how much better we are than the rest of these..." he couldn't conjure the words, so he spat.

The high priest released him. "Forgive me for failing to believe you boy," there was an undercurrent of fury in Shakur's tone that made him wish he was anywhere else. "I feel like you need to face your god's punishment, so you see what happens if you stray from the path."

Targun stiffened, but he nodded quickly. Stupid, how idiotic had he been to have nostalgic thoughts about an Aradian. What was wrong with him?

"Yes, high priest, "he agreed, it was foolish to permit the torture his gods would have him face, but he deserved it.

Like the gods knew Aradia and its people deserved what was coming when Shakur and he ended this reign and his began...



"So, a tournament?" Siva said tapping the side of his fist against hers in greeting.

Merran glanced at the backs of the other leaders as they left the throne room. The king had dismissed them. Inviting them to explore the city while final preparations were put in place. The rulers she trailed behind were legendary, the stories were myth, each one of them had tales written and songs sung about them. She couldn't imagine going up against any of them, yet alone Siva, the strong, towering presence at her side.

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