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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 81: Assassination in the Middle of the Night!
C81: Assassination in the Middle of the Night!


The machetes spun a giant round across the night sky before returning to the hands of the masked men.

Only then did the few masked men recover from their shock.

“Kill him!”

Speaking a language foreign to Wang Chong, they charged straight toward Wang Chong with a machete each in their hands.

“Protect the young master!”

Without a word ado, Shen Hai and Meng Long charged forward and stood beside Wang Chong.

“Meng Long! Catch it!”

With a nimble movement from his legs, Wang Chong kicked the sword which fell onto the floor over to Meng Long. Catching it in his hand, Meng Long engaged the masked men.

The battle was extremely intense. Wang Chong didn’t join in due to his low cultivation. In his current state, he was no match for these black-clothed men.

On the other hand, Shen Hai and Meng Long were ferocious commanders who have resigned from the military. Even though their fighting prowess has declined due to their injuries, their experience and partnership were flawless.

Furthermore, the guards of the Wang Family Residence was still gathering in the area. A few of the guards were currently heading toward Wang Chong upon seeing that he was in danger.

“To think that the blades of Charax Spasinu could be used in such a manner as well.”

Wang Chong glanced at the machetes in the hands of the masked men. It worked like a boomerang, returning to one’s hands after revolving around the battlefield. If used properly, it could catch one’s opponent off-guard.

This was the first time Wang Chong saw someone using the machete in such a manner. Wang Chong could tell that this method of usage has high requirements on the skills of the user. Otherwise, not only would one be unable to kill one’s opponent, one might even be killed by the returning blade.

“This must be the butterfly effect.”

Wang Chong thought.

In Wang Chong’s previous life, he didn’t come into contact with the Hyderabad ore. This time, he interfered in the matter and changed the fate of the world by purchasing the rights to the distribution of the Hyderabad ore and forging the Wootz steel sword, thus attracting these assassins from Charax Spasinu.

“Meng Long, Sea Stack Gazing the Moon!”

“Shen Hai, White Ape Turning its Head!”

Wang Chong suddenly spoke.

Meng Long raised his sword, and it stabbed into the chest of the masked man, who had just begun to leap upward. On the other hand, Shen Hai tilted his head and dodged a spinning machete by a hair’s breadth.

Upon seeing this result, Meng Long was still fine, but cold sweat trickled down Shen Hai’s back. If not for Wang Chong’s timely reminder, he would have been decapitated by the machete.

“That fellow isn’t ordinary, get rid of him!”

The gaze of the masked men turned cold. Their attention immediately shot toward Wang Chong. If not for his sudden words, one of the two guards would have already died.


Wang Chong sneered. Although he couldn’t understand the language of Charax Spasinu, upon seeing the masked men trying to shake off Shen Hai and Meng Long to get to him, he immediately understood their intentions.

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