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NovelThe Human EmperorChapter 121: Convincing King Song!
C121: Convincing King Song!

King Song sighed deeply.

Spilled water couldn’t be taken back. The current circumstances had already evolved beyond his means. The five imperial edicts of the Sage Emperor had already expelled him from the political scene.

On top of that, he was the leader behind the officials opposing to Consort Taizhen. His Majesty and Consort Taizhen would surely pin the blame on him.

Regardless of what he did, it was already impossible to reverse the situation.

The entire hall was silent, and the atmosphere was heavy. Everyone here knew very well what kind of plight King Song plight was in.

‘The emperor never speaks lightly’, even if King Song were to change his attitude now, it would be extremely difficult for him to return back to where he used to be in the royal court.

King Qi and the Yao Clan had already won.

“Right now, I fear for the other subordinates in the royal court. I just hope that His Majesty won’t demote and exile them because of this matter.”

King Song’s tone was filled with worry.

“Your Highness, do you have any way to meet the Sage Emperor? Given his trust in you, there might still be grounds for reconciliation.”

The old butler, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke up.

“It’s impossible. His Majesty is currently at the peak of his rage. We have all underestimated His Majesty’s determination on this matter. Right now, it’s impossible for me to meet His Majesty. Furthermore, King Qi and the Yao Clan would think of all kinds of means to deprive me of the opportunity as well.”

King Song said.

Helplessness flashed across the depths of the old butler’s eyes. Even though he possessed unparalleled cultivation, he was helpless in this kind of royal court politics.

“Furthermore, if I were to suddenly change my attitude, how would the other officials view me? How would His Majesty view me? How would the entire royal court view me? Even if I were to support His Majesty now, the situation might not be as good as what you all think it out to be!”

King Song sighed.

Lu Ting couldn’t find any words to say as well. An arrow fired couldn’t be taken back, this was the situation King Song was in. No matter what he did, he had no choice but to take responsibility for this entire matter.

Right now, even Lu Ting was at a loss.

Treading the royal court was similar to treading around quicksand; a single mistake would leave one sinking until one hit rock bottom! Even if King Song could see that half of the officials in the royal court would be implicated, and that King Qi and the Yao Clan would gain power in the royal court, there was nothing that he could do.

“Is there really no solution to this matter?”

Lu Ting spoke indignantly.

“Actually, on this matter… Your Highness doesn’t necessarily have to express your approval for Consort Taizhen!”

After a long moment of silence, just when everyone felt lost, Wang Chong’s voice suddenly sounded. His voice was clear and confident, and it felt as though it was parting the gloomy clouds to bring them the sun.

The trio’s attention was piqued, and they immediately turned to look at Wang Chong.

“Wang Chong, you have an idea in mind?”

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