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The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the lake glittered invitingly. On the other side of the picturesque scenery, there laid a beautiful child, sleeping in serenity while unconsciously sucking on her right thumb. Her hair is left untied and is a bit unruly but it glistened under the waking sun. Not even a single piece of clothing can be seen on her, only the white blanket that she is currently laying on and on top of that, there is a thin blindfold wrapped around her eyes. The little girl's skin is as white as the snow and as delicate as a porcelain doll.

A few minutes later, the birds started chirping and the fully awaken sun caressed the flawless skin of the little girl. She started stirring up and stretched a bit before slowly moving to a sitting position. The child has finally regained consciousness; however, her eyes remained closed due to the piece of cloth that is wrapped around her eyes.

"'s cold" she mumbled drowsily and picked up the white blanket to cover herself up. She looked around her surroundings and despite her lack of vision, she can still sense all living and non-living things through their mana.

"Where am I?" she asked herself and slightly tilted her head in confusion.

The little girl is 2 years old.... at least that is how her physical body looks like.

"My name...." she mumbled once again, gripping softly on the blanket around her petite body

The child stood still in the middle of the enormous garden. Her whole body relaxes the moment the wind come in contact with her skin and focused on the light feeling of grass that is touching her feet. She took a deep breath and blocked all confusions inside her head and listened intently to the sound of the dancing leaves from trees and the harmonious singing of the different kinds of birds.

'Follow the mana' said by a voice

The ethereal garden is swarmed by an enormous amount of mana. It's as if the whole place is made out of mana itself.

The child left her deep concentration and started walking barefoot. Just like what the voice said, she's following the path where the mana is more visible.

'Nobody else is here' she thought. True to her words, there is no one but the petite girl is present.

'I want to know my name quickly....' she walked for a little while and not too long, she made it to an elegant looking gate. The gate is made out of gold but is covered in vines and red roses.

"May I come in?" asked by her sweet child-like voice

The golden gate automatically opened up for the little girl and she finally set her foot inside the other part of the beautiful garden.

She ventured the place on her own phase, caressing each artifacts that she came across. The child does not know the exact picture of the place but she does know what's in her surroundings; there are different kinds of artifacts, plants and flowers, gazebo, and some random golden and shiny things that are hanging on the tree branches.

The child suddenly stopped walking when she sensed someone nearby. She enhanced her senses more to figure out who or what it is but all she can sense is a soul in the shape of human with a glowing orb at the center, and this glowing orb contains an exceptionally huge amount of mana.

"Are you.... human?" The child asked, her eyebrows slightly furrowed

'I will be soon... I just got here so there's no vessel spared for me yet but I'm here to know my name! Just like you!' The soul said rather energetically

The girl smiled softly as she feel this familiar feeling of intense longingness, love, and affection for people she does not know yet..... and one of these people might be this very soul she is currently conversing with.

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