01 : Three leaves, Three friends

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Aquila's POV 

Just as I was about to take another step forward, I heard a loud wailing sound of an infant. Driven by curiosity, I walked a little faster than before, ignoring the cuts and dirt on my tiny feet. The cold breeze made me grip my blanket harder to protect my bare skin. At this point, I'm already running just to follow the only source of sound from this dark and gloomy forest, which is the loud cries of a baby.

Pushing aside the last tree branch, at long last, I have reached the end of the big and confusing forest. Not too far from where I am standing, I can sense a shape of a structure that I assume is a church. Walking closely while slightly limping due to my wounded feet, I am starting to sense two human beings. 

I knelt down to face the two babies and noticed that the other one had already stopped crying and was looking at me with his inquisitive little gaze. I believe that the one who was crying loudly was the baby with ash blonde hair, given how puffy his eyes are and how runny his nose is. I gave him a soft smile and used my thumb to wipe away the remaining tears from his eyes. Based on how huge his toothless smile was, I could only assume that he was pleased with my actions. The ash blonde baby's blanket slid off due to how much he was moving his adorable plump arms, and as I was about to pull it up back on his body, I noticed embroidered lettering on the baby's clothes.

"Asta." I tried pronouncing his name out loud.

"Is that your name? Are you Asta?" I asked him softly, not really expecting an answer from the baby.

I turned my attention to the basket beside Asta. Compared to Asta, this baby is more peaceful and quiet. He has jet black hair and is sleeping soundly while his tiny hands are gripping on a necklace with a blue stone. I fixed his blanket just like I did for Asta and noticed the same embroidery on his clothes.

"And you must be Yuno" I whispered with a smile.

I stood up and adjusted my own blanket before walking towards the church's door. I knocked three times and waited for a while when a man finally opened the door. 

'He must be the Priest of this church' I thought.

"Who is it? At this late hour of th-" he stopped talking once he took notice of my figure and the two little babies behind me. 

"Oh dear, look at you three children. Come inside!" he ushered me to come in, but I remained standing while looking down on my wounded feet. 

'I-Im.... I'm feeling shy all of a sudden' 

"I-I uhh.." I started speaking but the Priest didn't let me finish my sentence as he continued guiding me inside the church, now carrying the two baskets of Asta and Yuno.

"Come on now, dear, let's get you treated, okay?" I blushed and nodded softly, still not bothering to lift my head up. Baby Asta peeked from his basket and showed me his toothless smile once again. This action from the baby made me crack a smile and somehow assured me.

"Sit down here for a while and warm yourself up" the Priest said, and he lit up the woods, creating a fire in front of us. He placed Asta and Yuno on the bed beside me and gave me a cup of hot chocolate drink.

"Drink this first while I get some spare clothes and medicine. Feel at home, okay, child?" said  the Priest, patting my head softly before walking to a different room.

I took a deep sigh and put the cup down on the table. A few seconds later, Asta started crying again. I stood up from my seat and approached his basket to try cheering him up. However, Yuno woke up after hearing Asta's cry and decided to join him as well. I nervously gazed at the door where the priest had left and took each of the boys' small hands to console them.

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