02: Aquila Fairlight, Finally in Sight (pt. 1)

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Aquila's Tale Fact #1: Aquila cannot picture out the exact appearance of what she's seeing, rather, she makes out their colors and shapes.

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After living for 17 years in Hage Village under the care of Father Orsi and Sister Lily, March of another year has finally arrived. The month where firefly dandelion fluffs float around. I remember Sister Lily just telling us a few years back about how everyone gets their own grimoires the moment they reach the age of 15. From what we have learned, grimoires are one of the primary sources for all mages' magic powers. It is a book with more advanced spells written inside, that enables the caster to increase their magical abilities that can be more powerful than what they already have naturally.

All around the country, all 15-year-olds gathered annually to hold an Awarding Ceremony for grimoires, and finally, the day has finally come for us three. 

Right... Normally, I should have already gotten my grimoire two years ago, but it's as if fate has been playing tricks on me, preventing me from obtaining my grimoire for two straight years by putting me in various unexpected situations. That's why I am strongly hoping that this year will go smoothly for me.

"I'm so excited! Aqi, do you think I can finally use magic after receiving my ultra-mega-cool-looking grimoire!?" our ash-blond friend shouted, making some people look in our direction.

I genuinely love supporting Asta, and the least thing that I would want is for me to break his high spirits. He has been blabbing about how he would finally gain magic once he got his grimoire... not like that's how it works, but the thought really made him thrilled.

"Hmm..." I hummed. 'Well, miracles exist, right?'

"Look, Asta, you're making Aquila think hard because of your question" Yuno replied nonchalantly while walking with his hand in his pocket.

"WHAT? Aqi, please don't think hard about it anymore, it's making me lose some confidence!" 

"I guess we will just have to wait and see." I sent Asta a soothing smile.

"Forget about Asta, aren't you feeling excited too, Aquila? You will definitely be able to know more about your magic once you get your grimoire" Yuno pointed out

"Well, I am! But other than that, I'm feeling really nervous." I confessed, slightly fiddling on the hem of my shirt, a habit that I have grown to pick up over the years.

"Asta, are you nervous?" the black-haired male suddenly asked Asta

"No? Why should I?" Despite being confused, the ash-blond responded to his question nonetheless. After hearing Asta's response, Yuno shifted his attention back to me.

"See? If a magic-less boy isn't nervous, then you shouldn't be either." said Yuno. I slightly tilted my head to the side to think about his logic. It was pretty unclear, but I understand what he was hinting at. 

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! And not having any magic doesn't matter, I will get my grimoire right here, right now! Today!" 

"Yeah. Continue dreaming" Yuno scoffed at the shorter male, making him more irritated.

I giggled at their interaction and continued walking towards the Grimoire Tower. However, as I was just about to take another step forward, a rock suddenly popped out on the step that I was taking, making me trip and lose my balance. Luckily, with the two boys at my side, Yuno was quick to activate his wind magic to help me regain my balance, while Asta held my arm for support.

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