𝟎𝟏𝟏. 𝐦𝐨𝐦

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" 𝕸y mom's in a book club"

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" 𝕸y mom's in a book club".

Quinn startles from the other side of the couch, glancing up in surprise from the page of the book in his hands as Cassie sits staring at him with her legs curled under her and her phone tucked in her grasp.


"Maureen's book club, to be precise".

His eyebrows rise, eyes blinking with the effort to process her words.

"Maureen Holloway? June's mom?", he asks cautiously, setting his book aside.


"Unlikely duo but okay. I can . . . . I can understand".

"There's wine at every meeting. She gets drunk".

He looks at her, blankly.


"My mother, Quinn. My mom gets drunk at every one of her book club meetings. And the book club's founder is Maureen".

She can see her initial shock now depicted on Quinn's face, she can only imagine how truly flabbergasted she looked when she found out and Quinn's expression is a perfect example of just how weird this entire business is.

He leans back, arm spreading over the back of the couch and turning to face her properly.

"Cassie", he states narrowing his gaze, "Are you sure? That doesn't sound like your mom".

"Lucas saw her last night. She came home drunk and yelled at dad".

His throat bobs, head slowly tipping up and down in a careful nod.

"You know what the weirdest part is though?".

A chuckle escapes his lips and he shakes his head, "Weirder than this?".

"All the women in the book club are either divorced or suffering from a failing marriage".

His stills, the slight smirk on his face instantly dropping.

"Oh my god, Cass. I'm so sorry", Quinn's brows knit together, a hand coming up to rest comfortingly on Cassie's arm.

She feels a tingle of menacing emotions swirl through her body at the gentle brush of his skin against hers and almost leans in to let him touch more than her arm.

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐒𝐊𝐘, quinn hughes³Where stories live. Discover now