4. Stranger Danger!!

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As Arya just stood there silently staring at me, in such a creepy manner, just like the way, when the girl in conjuring was starring when she say the nun

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As Arya just stood there silently staring at me, in such a creepy manner, just like the way, when the girl in conjuring was starring when she say the nun. Cause of that I started checking if there
was someone behind me.

Hushh.. thank God there was no one I just hate the ghosts at shit!!, but what the hell is wrong with Arya.

I gain meet her gaze and started to walk near me and paused. I just raised my one eyebrow and asked nervously, "do we need to do an exorcism", to which Arya gave me a weirded look, and stated, "what do u think silly I'm in possession of some spirit, dude this is called as being shocked, u didn't told me any of this, and then suddenly when I was gonna talk to u about, how are we gonna manage our source of income??, u suddenly tell me that u had applied for a most freaking awesome job, which is a perfect more than that a dream job to me!! And now u expect me not be shocked, like bitch what do u even do, read minds or something u devil!!", Arya said with a hit wave of emotions coursing through her body language and facial expressions.

Yet, I can understand that she was probably having, my everyday adrenal rush, right now!! And, I do need to calm her down, just like the way she does when I have a adrenal rush.

"Okey, Okey I'm sorry bud, I should have told u but, I thought to give u a surprise!!, and to be true I also had a thought....basically a dought, that what if u had other plan's for us so-", as I was speaking, Arya halted me by shushing me up!! As she pinched my cheeks affectionately.

"Okey, this time it's alright but from next time onwards tell everything without fail, got it.", Arya said in a very generous tone. To which I nodded with a smile.

I was sitting on the couch, with my lappy (laptop), as I was searching for some wired stuff like "how to regain your past life memory!!", and some wired stuff like, i just always bang on it. And just a few minutes later my phone vibrated as there was a notification and my phone was on do not disturb.

I slipped my hand into my pocket and checked my phone, and it was Rahul.
He texted asking, "hey there, Good morning!! Are u guys free today!?",to which I replied back, "hey, good morning, yeah we're free to day".

"That's great, the renovation work is done, now we just need to do some paperwork and u both can take over the apartment!!", Rahul replied.

And I was literally on cloud-9, I just didn't knew what I was feeling and the next though that came in my mind was Arya's, so I just yelled her name, and in just a matter of seconds she came back in my room thumping. "What-- what happened why the hell did u yell so hard!!" She asseverate solemnly with curiosity filled in her eyes.

"Hey, Samiksha u still there, or are u busy shall we talk later!?", Rahul texted. Due to which I shifted my attention from Arya, towards my mobile phone, "ohh, no no, nothing like that I was just on cloud-9, oops sorry!!", I replied to his text. And there was Arya who came near me picking in my phone while I was texting him, and when I shifted my gaze from my phone screen, at that time I glanced at Arya who was eagerly to burst out of joy just as I was.

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