Connensen fluff

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(A/N: Connor is stressed of work, and Jensen comforts him. Requested by Willowtheidiot1 )


I was on my way back from work. It's been very stressful lately.

I got home and went down to the living room. Jensen, my husband. I walked to him and sat on the couch.

"Is everything okay?" He asks me. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired." I say.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay." He says. "We can lay on bed." I nod

We walk to our bedroom and lie down on bed.

"Work had been rough." I say.

He takes my hand and just holds it. "Tell me about it." He says.

"So basically, It's so much pressure on me. It's so stressful." I say.

"You work a lot, can't you work less?" He asks.

"Well, I don't think so. I have a lot to do, and it's been difficult to catch a break."

"It's okay. How about we just order food tonight and cuddle in bed a bit?" He says.

"Yeah, sure, that sounds good." I say.

We lie down and just talk about life for a bit. We order food and wait for it to be there.

The food is there and we go eat. "Thank you for comforting me." I say. "Of course." He responds. We share a kiss.

The rest of the evening, not a lot happens. We are just chilling.


I hope you like it!! Sorry, it's not much long

- Sander, 248 words.

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