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S A M A I R A   Y A D A V

Lakewood Medical was as renowned as a hospital to get. Consequently, the people who got themselves admitted were either drowning in ancestral riches or held a position of power so high that Samaira couldn't even think about making a mistake. The line of error was startlingly fine, and it wasn't one she ever intended to cross. 

She became a doctor for a reason. She wanted to save lives. She wanted to give people hope and ensure that they didn't leave before they were supposed to. So, she aimed to treat every patient the same, regardless of their background. Some people made it annoyingly difficult to do sometimes though. Samaira sighed for the umpteenth time. 

"I refuse to pee in a cup."

"Ma'am, you had a kidney transplant four days ago. I need to make sure that everything is normal. It's the procedure."

The forty-five-year-old woman scoffed. She had an attitude as big as her mouth, and Samaira would have told her off if she wasn't a minister's wife. They had been going back and forth for fifteen minutes already. A little more and she was going to snap. "You don't need to do a test for that. I feel fine. I'm completely normal now."

"You might feel fine, but that doesn't mean you are fine. Everything could be good now, only for your transplant to start showing negative symptoms later on. It might be too late to do anything at that point, so it's always better to be on the safer side of things."

She turned up her nose. "I'm not stupid. You just want to get more money by taking unnecessary tests. I might have money, but that doesn't mean I intend to spend it where it's totally a waste. You better do exactly what's needed and discharge me."

Samaira clenched her fists. She wasn't a short-tempered person, however, some people just brought the worst out in her. 

"You know what? I'll do exactly that."

The woman smirked victoriously like she had achieved something.

"You just have to sign a form stating that you refused the test. In turn, if anything were to happen to you like internal bleeding, infections or pneumonia, neither the hospital nor the doctors would be responsible for it. Your new kidney might start rejecting your body too, so the document will also have the condition that if you were to die because of it, you'll be solely responsible. If that's alright, then we can go right ahead."

She swallowed nervously. "All that can happen?"

"Of course, but as you said, if you feel fine, you probably are fine. If you wait for ten minutes, I can have the document printed. You can sign and then you'll immediately be discharged."

The woman considered it before huffing. "Where's the cup?"

"Right here, ma'am." she said, smiling when the woman snatched it from her hand. Samaira didn't care as long as she got the test done. She wasn't going to let someone's ignorance get in the way of their health. 

"Samaira!" someone called from outside the room. She turned to see Kirti. "Dr. Chowdhury wants to see you in the reception."

"I'll be right there," she assured, moving to place the vials back in their assigned spots. Once she got the cup for the urinary analysis, she thanked the minister's wife before handing them over to the laboratory. Once that was done, she rushed back to the reception to meet her attending. He was standing beside a woman. "Dr. Chowdhury."

Her superior turned to her. "Ah, Samaira. I have someone that I need to introduce you to. This is Ms. Chahal and Ms. Chahal, this is Dr. Yadav."

Lo and behold, nationally famed model Aditi Chahal stood before her. 

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