1 - The Return

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Ernesto Ramírez exhaled a weary sigh as his BSAA private jet touched down smoothly at Buenos Aires International Airport. After months of rigorous training at the organization's facilities in the United States, the moment had finally arrived to return to his native Argentina.

At 32 years old, Ernesto was one of the most decorated and respected agents of the country's Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA). His field experience, combat prowess, and exceptional marksmanship had earned him the recognition of his superiors, who now considered him a key player in the fight against viral outbreaks that had ravaged various regions of the world.

As he descended from the plane, Ernesto looked around with a mix of relief and nostalgia. It had been months since he had set foot on Argentine soil, and the truth was that he missed the warmth of the climate, the taste of red wine, and the familiar accent of his people. However, he knew that his return would not be to rest. He had been summoned back for a reason, and that reason filled him with unease.

With a firm step, the agent made his way towards the terminal, where a group of BSAA soldiers awaited to receive him. Among them was his old friend and comrade-in-arms, Captain Lucas Gómez.

"Ernesto!" exclaimed Lucas, shaking his hand enthusiastically. "Welcome back, brother! We've missed you around here."

"Lucas, my friend," Ernesto responded, mustering a faint smile. "I'm glad to be back, although the circumstances are not the most favorable, it seems."

Lucas's face darkened, and Ernesto knew in that instant that the news awaiting him would be nothing good.

"You're right," said the Captain, in a grave tone. "We've had issues in the south of the country. A viral outbreak that is spreading at an alarming rate. We need you to join the response unit immediately."

Ernesto nodded in silence, his gaze acquiring an unwavering seriousness. He knew that, once again, he would be embroiled in a battle against a biological threat, but this time, on his own territory. And that filled him with determination.

"I'm ready," he replied, gripping the handle of his pistol firmly. "Tell me what I need to do."

Lucas cracked a half-smile, aware of his friend's bravery and professionalism.

"Good, then let's go. We need to move quickly. The situation is becoming increasingly critical."

Without further delay, Ernesto and the rest of the BSAA team rushed to board the armored vehicles, heading towards southern Argentina. The Argentine agent was mentally preparing himself for what lay ahead, knowing that this time he would have to face a danger even closer and more personal.

During the journey south, Ernesto mentally reviewed all the information that had been provided to him about the situation. Apparently, the outbreak had begun in a small rural town, quickly spreading to the surrounding areas.

According to the reports, the initial symptoms were similar to a common flu, but soon evolved into an aggressive mutation that transformed the infected into violent, bloodthirsty creatures. These "Majini," as they had been called, moved with superhuman strength and agility, attacking anyone who crossed their path.

Ernesto frowned, recalling the details of his latest missions abroad. He had seen the havoc that viral infections could cause, and he knew that this would be a ruthless and arduous battle. But he was also determined to stop the spread of the plague before it was too late.

"Captain, what is the current situation?" he asked, turning to Lucas.

"We've managed to establish a containment perimeter in some areas, but the Majini keep advancing," Lucas responded, his gaze fixed on the road. "Our forces have been overwhelmed, and the civilians are terrified. We need reinforcements urgently."

Ernesto nodded, his mind working at full speed.

"Alright, then we need to mobilize immediately and coordinate a counterattack strategy. We can't allow this to get out of control."

"I agree," said Lucas, casting a look of complicity at his friend. "You're the best man to lead this operation, Ernesto. I trust that you can put an end to this nightmare."

The Argentine agent straightened up in his seat, feeling the adrenaline beginning to flow through his veins. He knew he was facing an unprecedented threat, but he was also convinced that with his experience and the support of his team, they would manage to stop the spread of the virus.

As the vehicle approached its destination, Ernesto Ramírez mentally prepared himself for the battle that lay ahead. This time, the infection had reached his own country, and he was not going to allow it to ravage everything in its path.

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