2 - Arrival

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As the BSAA armored vehicle sped through the deserted streets of the small southern Argentine town, Ernesto Ramírez gazed out the window with a mixture of caution and determination. The eerie silence that pervaded the area was only broken by the rumble of the engine and the occasional sound of a distant scream, sending a chill down his spine.

This was not the homecoming he had envisioned. Instead of the familiar warmth and vibrancy of his homeland, Ernesto was now confronted with a scene of utter desolation - a testament to the horror that had befallen this once peaceful community.

"We're approaching the quarantine zone now," Lucas Gómez, Ernesto's old friend and BSAA captain, announced from the driver's seat. "Our intel suggests the outbreak started here and quickly spread to the surrounding areas."

Ernesto nodded, his eyes narrowing as he studied the makeshift barricades and heavily armed BSAA soldiers securing the perimeter. This was no longer a routine assignment; the situation had escalated into a full-blown crisis, and he knew they were racing against the clock to contain the spread of the deadly virus.

"What can you tell me about the infected?" Ernesto asked, his voice steady and focused. "The reports mentioned something called 'Majini'?"

Lucas grimaced, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "That's what we're calling them. They're not like any viral host we've encountered before. The mutation has granted them superhuman strength and aggression, turning them into feral, bloodthirsty creatures."

Ernesto's jaw tightened. "And the civilian population?"

"We've managed to evacuate most of them, but there are still pockets of survivors trapped within the quarantine zone," Lucas replied, his expression grim. "Our priority is to secure the area and neutralize the Majini threat before it spreads any further."

As the vehicle came to a stop, Ernesto quickly gathered his gear and joined the team of BSAA operatives preparing to enter the isolated town. He knew the stakes were high, and the slightest misstep could have catastrophic consequences.

"I need to get a better understanding of what we're dealing with," Ernesto said, his eyes scanning the chaos unfolding before them. "Are there any survivors or witnesses we can question?"

Lucas nodded, gesturing towards a makeshift holding area where two individuals were being detained. "We've got a couple of people we picked up on the outskirts of the town. They claim to have information about the outbreak, but they've been uncooperative so far."

Ernesto's expression hardened, and without another word, he strode towards the holding area, determined to extract whatever information he could from these potential witnesses. Time was of the essence, and he knew that every second counted in the battle to save his homeland from the ravaging infection.

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