𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 : 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞

169 20 51

Well, this alpha doesn't know how to talk. It's silent all along the journey, it's boring. Wei WuXian could only puff his cheeks out, looking out of the window.


Lan WangJi stops the car and turns towards Wei WuXian who was startle at the sudden call.

Omega looks at Lan WangJi. "Huh?"

"Get out."


"We've arrived."

Lan WangJi gets out of the car without waiting for the omega and closes the door.

"Where are we?"

Wei WuXian gets out of the car as well and looks around to take a good view at surroundings.

"Have you not been here?"

Lan WangJi asks, raising a brow as he looks over his shoulder to stare at the omega. Wei WuXian, confused and clueless, nods subconsciously while trying to recall if he's ever been here or not.

It's like a bustling street, even at night, with lights everywhere. The whole street is decorated like a festival, with small shops of different kinds, yet big buildings, bars, and fancy restaurants all adding to the lively atmosphere. It were rich smells, to be honest. The sides of the streets have long and short trees of different kind, decorated with lights and twinkling stuffs. Some water fountains in front of the big buildings which seemed like rich and luxurious hotels, colourful and bright with shining stars above them. The whole street is adorned with twinkling lights that stretch from one end to the other end of this street.

And the best part? It's summer, but it feels like Christmas with all the twinkling lights hanging above the road!

When Wei WuXian sees the scene, his eyes light up with amazement. He can't believe he's never been here before. The street is so beautiful, especially from a distance. It's a sight that truly captures the magic of the city at night. Was this area newly build or something?

Wei WuXian was amazed. It's so beautiful to look at! Why didn't he know about this place? His eyes sparkled as he smiled brightly. He mumbled in awe,"It's so good to look at from this far."

It's just 10 minutes away from his company and omega hasn't been here? After staring at Wei WuXian and examining his expression for a while Lan WangJi turns around and started walking as he said, "Let's go."

Lan wangji doesn't know why but Wei WuXian looked so amazed just by looking at the sight of this place. He really hasn't been here? But as far as Lan WangJi remembers, it's the area of rich, luxury loving, Young and rich family heirs. Wei WuXian is one of them and he hasn't been here?

Not even for once?

Wei WuXian snaps out as he hears Lan WangJi's voice and since he has nothing to argue about, he silently follows the alpha. He doesn't know where Lan WangJi is taking him to, anyway.

Wei WuXian blinks as he walks beside Lan WangJi with, ofcourse, maintaining some good distance. He realised that they were exactly walking towards that exact place! And to add more confusion for Wei WuXian, why are they walking towards that fancy looking restaurant?

"Where exactly are we going??"

Lan WangJi glances at the omega but didn't answer his question and continues walking until they reach the entrance of the restaurant. He stops and turns around to face the omega.

Wei WuXian also stops when he sees Lan WangJi turning towards him with his stoic face. He stared at him and waited for alpha to say something but Lan WangJi just stared at him without any expression. He's being so mysterious.

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