𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 : 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝

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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 :

Smut warning, prepare yourself in advance.

Now you're good to go Hobi children!

It was so hard. Lan WangJi was kissing him so hard. As if alpha was ready to completely devour him, as if he was not kissing but eating him alive. Pressing him against the door, his hands gripping his waist so hard, holding his body up with those arms effortlessly. He was clutching onto Alpha's suit for his life. Ohh! The sensation was so overwhelming. He was so into the feel. Suddenly Lan WangJi pulled away but Wei WuXian wasn't expecting it at all and immediately followed Alpha's lips subconsciously. Only stopped when Lan WangJi pulled his face away to avoid his lips. It was then omega looked at him, panting and gasping, unable to think anything.

"I'm asking you for the last time. I can stop if you say."

Lan WangJi says gritting his teeth as he pressed his nose in crook of Wei WuXian's neck. His breathing is so heavy and his voice husky with desire.

"No.. Wa- Want You- --" Omega breathed and held onto alpha as if afraid he'll really stop doing whatever they were doing.

That was it for the last string of self restraint to snap into pieces and Wei WuXian found himself getting dragged out of the bathroom and within a few steps he was thrown against that cold wall of elevator. He doesn't even know what floor's button alpha pressed but his body was again being pressed against Lan WangJi. His lips were sucked so hard that it was so painful, he was kissed so hard that was it was getting breathless but they were giving him insane pleasure that he had never felt before. His hands were still clutching onto Lan WangJi's shoulders and everytime there was this painful pleasure, his hold tightened even more making Lan WangJi growl.

Alpha suddenly bites his lip and Wei WuXian gasps at the pain. Taking this chance Lan WangJi pushed his tongue inside his mouth. Ohh! Wei WuXian could feel himself seeing stars behind his eyes when Lan WangJi sucked and licked his cavren and pressed his body even closer making Wei WuXian gasp more at the painful sensation.

There was a ding and elevator opened and the kiss broke. Fortunately, there was no one waiting for it or else it would have been so shameful. He was unable to stand on his own that Lan WangJi had to carry him in his arms. He felt Lan WangJi was walking to somewhere. He didn't know where because his eyes were closed and his nose was pressed against Alpha's neck all the time after the kiss broke as he was being carried.

Lan WangJi's pheromones... He has never been comfortable with other Alpha's pheromones but Lan WangJi's pheromones were so different. The earthly cedarwood mixed with the incense of sandalwood, ohhh! It was so good that Wei WuXian moaned after sucking in and filling his lungs with Lan WangJi's pheromones. He moaned right next to Lan WangJi's ear, so shameful but his mind was not in right place. He could feel Lan WangJi growling.

There was click sound and Wei WuXian was thrown onto a soft mattress. Oh, they were in one of the rooms booked for guests. It was quite nice. But he didn't get the time to admire it much when Alpha started to remove his clothes. His movements were so fast, so rough and agressive when he was opening the buttons of his blazer and waist coat. There was a ripping sound until Wei WuXian's blazer along with the waistcoat was thrown somewhere in the room. He could feel Lan WangJi's annoyance when his shirt's buttons were not unbuttoning and alpha snapped the buttons, exposing his chest. Lan WangJi looked at him for a moment, his half naked body and once again started kissing him, not enough patience in him to completely remove the shirt. His one hand was helping him support his body up and other was busy undoing Wei WuXian's pants. No, he wasn't undoing it. He was ripping it like a wild beast. Another ripping sound and omega knew that his pant was also thrown somewhere accompanied by his underwear. He shivered when the cold air in the room hit his skin and clung to alpha so hard while wrapping his arms around his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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