Dancing With The Lost Souls

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Dancing with the lost souls

I get on stage and the lights are blinding me. I can't see the crowds and that is oddly comforting to me. The music comes on and I get lost in the music. Suddenly the music isn't just beats put together with occasional vocals. The music is suddenly a girl lost in the woods, a mother suffering from depression, a son losing his father to cancer, and a little girl starting her first day of kindergarten. Have you ever wondered why people dance? It's to show the intense emotions. Well, that's part of why I write. I once said, "The waves crash and the sky is a faded gray, the silhouette of him is standing there on the rock. He's looking up at the storm of black, gray, and white smeared across the sky, almost like God took the prettiest and most pure colors and mixed them together on a canvas in anger. Hate, jealousy, love, compassion, I can feel all the most powerful emotions in me just by looking at the chaotic colors of the sky. Yet he stares at it like it is the most beautiful and captivating color to ever exist. I drink in all the colors and ponder them each with such careful conviction." And I think that's beautiful. Not because it's my writing but because it's pure. It's raw. It's me. It's you. It's us. It's everyone in this world, it represents all the emotions we have all felt.

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