What is love?

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What is love?

Love is when you worry about someone.

Not if they're going to hurt you or if they're with another person, but if they're okay.

If they're happy or sad. Mad or content.

You think about what they're doing and if anyone had brought them solace, when you could not.

Love is not a temporary thing that you feel for someone one minute and then it vanishes.

Love is not fleeting.

In fact love is constant and ever changing, evolving, and flourishing.

Love will cause you to make crazy decisions but never negative ones.

When you truly love someone you will fight with all your strength to keep them.

Now I can't tell you love is a fairytale and is always going to be easy, cuz love will NEVER be completely easy.

You will fall, fail, cry, and be stressed out sometimes, but all with your partner.

To be stressed and feel like you're going crazy as well.

Because you will also be happy, courageous, confident, and loved by that one person.

So if I had to answer, "What is love and what does it feel like?" I would say it is a rollercoaster that had its ups and downs, but it's the best damn roller coaster you will ever be on.

It's ups feel like flying with the angels in heaven and it's downs feel no deeper than the very ground we stand on.

And if it feels deeper than that,

Scarier than standing on ground,

Baby it ain't worth it. 

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