Mind Over Matter

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Okay, this plot is heavily based off of an episode from Batman Beyond: "Mind Games".

I hope everyone is okay with that.


As Spider-Man began to web-swing after the fleeing truck, he immediately saw that the police were taking care of it. However, the truck sent a car flying when it crashed! Spidey quickly used his webs to catch the thrown vehicle before it hit anyone, plus took the guns away from the criminals in the truck.

A blonde-haired man with broad shoulders and wearing an expensive white suit was helped out of the webbed-vehicle, along with a woman that strongly resembled Morticia from The Addams Family, and a little girl that looked like Ellen Page.

Spidey perched on a nearby lamp-post, "Is everyone alright?"

"We're fine, thank you," The man answered. "We can take it from here."

With that, the family walked away, but the girl looked back at him with an almost...pleading look.

Spidey watched with curiosity, but didn't say anything.


Peter made it to class just before the teacher closed the door.

"You seem to love cutting things close, Mr. Parker."

Peter chuckled nervously, then went to his seat between Ned and MJ.

"That didn't take as long as I thought," The latter whispered.

"The cops stopped them, but I had to save a family from a flying car," he whispered back.

The teacher started handing out the Algebra tests, which made them quiet down. Peter answered the first three questions easily, but then he silently gasped when he saw the same girl standing at the entrance to the classroom.

She had that same pleading look in her eyes, then she began to...hover over to him, "You have to help me. I don't wanna go. I refuse to go."

"Peter, what's the matter with you?" Ned asked.

"Do...do you guys see this kid?" Peter asked.

"What kid?" MJ asked.

He looked back, but she was gone, "Nevermind."

They shrugged and went back to their tests, but then Peter saw her again, "Please, you have to help me. I don't wanna go. Please help me."

Peter looked around to see if anyone else saw her, but they all focused on the test. MJ and Ned noticed that he looked a little frazzled, but they didn't seem to notice the girl either.

"Peter, seriously, are you okay?" MJ asked. "Maybe you need to go to the nurse."

"No, I'm fine," he assured her, then did his best to finish the test. Just after he answered the last question, the girl appeared again, saying the same thing.


"You saw the same girl that was with the family you saved, but you were the only one that could see and hear her?" Ned questioned.

"And she kept asking you to help her?" MJ added.

"Pretty much, yeah," Peter responded.

"Help you with what, though?" Ned asked.

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