Part 2: Flashbacks

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"Such a pleasure to meet you," Linda smiled as she sat down in the chair adjacent to Ella's desk.
"Why please, the pleasure is all mine," Ella screeched. "I just admire your clothes," Linda beamed.
"You should, naturally!" Ella said promptly, "Listen Linda, I have worked hard, sweat, bled, and sacrificed to make this fashion firm what it is, so my clothes, their seams, their stitches,the bags under my eyes and the mascara stains on my pillow-shouldn't be anything less than admired.
Linda shook her scarlet hair profusely. "Don't be threatened by me-"
"Nonsense, this is just the kind of confidence we need!" Linda sprung from the chair, "We'd like to nominate you for the States' fashion show, this years theme as you're probably aware of is Garage Glamor, and we think your firm would do Georgia proud."

Ella's heart slowed to a more abrupt pace. Her jaws clenched, and her eyes widened. This was it! The one thing she'd ever wanted with all here hearts contempt- to debut at the worlds runway.z
Liz rested her arm in Ella's as they scrolled through the online store.

"Someday our clothes are going to be on this site," Ella swooned.
"Yes, we're going to rule the fashion world together," Liz said.
"and to to fashion week," Ella doted.
"ooh that reminds me," Liz closed her laptop and sat up with Ella, "I'm up for valedictorian."
"That's great," Ella stammered. "Yeah, Mrs. Cramer said their was a tie this year but that other girls clothes don't stand a chance against mine." 

Ella's voice shook,"why not?"

"Because, they lack symmetry, couture, and the amount of glitter, oh, it's like this person put diamonds on potato sacks and called it a day, it's like you before you met me," Liz said.
Ella's blood turned molten in a matter of seconds. 

Liz dissed the subject, "So how's that collection of yours going anyways."

In an attempt to suppress the smoke under her tongue Ella simply smiled. 

"Why don't you show me some photos, baby doll!" Liz prompted.

Liz smiled as she crawled up to Ella.
Ella in her mysterious fury scrolled through her phone, then flicked her wrist out at Liz.
"Don't they just look like potato sacks! I'm the other candidate. Liz. Me," Ella yelled.
"Oh that's funny, sorry babe, I'm being honest they look like potato sacks, but I do apologize Mrs. Cramer didn't tell me that my fundamentally retarded girlfriend was going against me, sorry my precious," Liz said angrily. "No you're not you bitch, you think everyone is beneath you, don't you?" Ella screamed.
"Babe, I didn't know it was you, chill."

" I don't know how you didn't, since I'm so fundamentally retarded."

"Babe, I'm sorry,"

"No you're not sorry, you're a pretentious spoiled asshole, you don't say things you don't mean, I'm tired of being treated like this,"

"How do I treat you Ella? By buying you fabrics, needles,, makeup, shoes, this," Liz yelled as she pulled the glossy strand of pearls that laced Ella's neck. " And these," Liz shouted as she snatched the diamond earrings that hung from Ella's ears. Blood dripped from Ella's ear as she was pinned against the wall.

Liz cocked her head and grinned awfully, and spoke, " Don't forget where you came from, if it weren't for me you'd end up like your mother begging for food on the side of the road in nowhere Georgia getting high trying to escape your pathetic life. I made you, and unlike Frankenstein I'm not going to let my monster creation get in my way."

Ella simmered with her teeth jarred shut but her hands were already up and just like that, WHAM!
Ella spat at her before speaking, "After, you get over yourself then maybe we can discuss WHO MADE WHO!

From that day on Ella vowed she would make it to States Runway, she would win the awards, she would be better than what she came from, she would be the bitch WHO MADE HERSELF.
"Mrs.Tipton are you alright," Linda asked courteously. "fine thank you," Ella mumbled. "Well then, looks as if everything's in order, when will you be available to stop by Southern Vogue offices? "Why would I need to do a thing like that?" Ella asked. "Well we'll be running weekly interviews between you and the elected designer for Washington, were paired this year, southern vogue is covering the competition." "Well who is the designer I'm running against?" Ella asked. "Liz Carlington from Seattle." 

Ella's eyes almost burst from her skull. Ella was not getting in her way, she was going to show her, she was going to show them all.
"Great," Ella smiled crookedly. Please book the appointment with my Recorder in the lobby.
Ella pulled the photograph out of her office drawer. "Oh my sweet sweet Liz, you are not going to sabotage me this time, I will crush you, I made myself, I made myself a bitch the bitch that will unravel you at the seams," Ella smacked. Spinning around in her office chair cynically, she lit a cigarette.
A tap at the door interrupted her vile sulking. "um your recorder and secretary just quit," Linda mumbled.

Ella quickly threw the picture to the floor, and spun back around, "Weak asses," Ella said in between a puff of smoke, "Just tell me when you'll need me."

"3:30pm tomorrow," Linda said firmly.

"Fine, vogue studios?"
"Thank you my love,"
"See you tomorrow-"
Ella slammed the door.


Votes are adored, comments are loved! 

Special thanks to my friend Sara, I typed this when I was facetiming her and I kinda manipulated our nice words, into some rude dialogue xD

Also shout out to the totally fabulous side cover- to obfuscate it's omfg breathtaking xxx)

Remember if you wanna live fancy, live in a big mansion, party in france, you gotta work bitch!

Peace out,


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