Chapter Two, Someplace New

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Finally after we both did our written statement, we headed to the hospital and met up with brittneys family and Sam's family. We sat there for awhile and then finally Sam's grandmother said "Mickey, Samantha... Brittney is... Dead." We both looked at each other and we started crying as hard as possible. Sam started screaming and having a panic attack while I stared off into space. I sort of blamed myself. she wouldn't have followed. But I knew if I told anyone that I blamed myself they would give me a lecture so I kept quiet.

I tried comforting anyone who cried even though I was trying myself. I hate seeing people cry. I wanted to help Sam but she was in a different room. She had a panic attack and they where keeping her calm. Remembering what the kind lady with white hair said I managed to keep my breathing under control.

The rest of the weeks went by in a blur. I was eating normal, smiling, laughing, talking. I was faking it the entire time. I didn't want them to know that I cried myself to sleep every night, or that I woke up at night after seeing her face. But it wasn't her face. Her face was adorable and baby like. The face I saw had skin peeling off and cold white eyes, blood all over the side of her face. I would see it even if I was awake sometimes and it haunted me but I didn't know why. Some night I would dream I see her at school or I would just replay the accident over and over.

My grandmother asked if I had wanted to come over, seeing it as an opportunity to escape these memories and finally breathe, to finally escape the chains holding me captive in a small corner of a dark room, I agreed. I had a few days before I went so I spent them talking to Sam and reading. I had my bags packed and ready to go since Sunday. She was picking me up Friday.

Finally now that Friday was here I couldn't wait to get away. I looked out my window every ten minutes even when I knew she wouldn't be here for another few hours. As if I have anything better to do. I thought to myself and kept looking. And finally, after hours of waiting, she was here. I smiled my first real smile for a long time and walked outside silently saying "keep it cool..." To myself. When I hugged and kissed my mom bye, we where off!

On our way there, it's about an hour drive, me and grandma talked. Not much, but we talked. It felt nice to talk to her. it feels like years since I've seen her. I couldn't wait to get to her house and see my grandpa too. He is a grumpy ol' fart, but I love him. I know deep down he loves me to. I mean, if he didn't I would not have ever risen his mule. That mule he cherished. He was very proud of her. I'll admit she was beautiful.

On the way I just looked out the window, answering questions she asked. The scenery to her house was beautiful. I could drive that way for hours and never get tired of the county looks. Crops streached for miles and some barns, cows, Everthing beautiful. I zoned out when she finished talking. Just imagineing things in my head, like what the cows feel. Cramped in a pen sometimes killed. I reposition myself at the thought of a cow being killed. I mean, how many times have I eaten a hamburger and not thought that it was once alive.

When we arrive I take my things and go into the spare room. Taking in the sent. I always thought it smelled good here. I say hi to my grandfather and soon go to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and look out my window. If I get lucky I'll see a coyote. I think to myself as I look outside. After a few minutes I sigh but before I leave the window I see something move. I squint my eyes slightly to see but its just to dark. the moon light can only light so much. At this point my face is inches away from the glass.

Then I see it. I must be dreaming. I whisper to myself and my eyes widen. The creature steps into the moonlight and I see it. She has a long wavy coal black mane and tail. And Black-ish looking body, but the legs seemed darker than the body so I assume it's Brown. She looks directly at me and when she spots me looking at her she rears on her hind legs revealing long, deep gashes on her stomach and down her legs. some of them where still bleeding. I gasp and she runs back into the wooded area she came from. Vanishing into the night just as fast as she arrived.

I went back into the bed and I thought about her. She was beautiful, she looked like she could have made the covor for a magazine. She was indeed a beautiful horse. I thought for a little bit and I said "Echo." That's her name. It's Echo. And with that I hoped to see Echo again someday. If she lived. She is badly wounded and I didn't even understand how she even had the strength to rear and run like that. It was amazing how strong she was.

I lay down and finally decide to go to sleep. It's probably about one or two in the morning. So I plant my face in the pillow and try to sleep. Even though I couldn't. I just can't take my mind off the horse. Go to sleep. Sleeeeeppp. I say to myself. Okay count sheep. One, two, three, four... Five... I yawn and drift off into my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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