Scouting and/or Auditioning Pt3.

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Ivy Story.....

Ivy knew she always wanted to be an Idol and knew she could be successful. But Ivy parents were strict and told her no, going behind their backs she sent her audition to Bighit and JYP. After two weeks of waiting she received a email from JYP stating they weren't looking for any girls at the moment. Defeated Ivy felt like she could give up, which caused her to forget about Bighit. Two months have passed since and she received an email from Bighit asking her if she could come for an interview. Excited Ivy jumped with joy and ran to her parents. Ivy begins so excited she forgets that her parents won't allow her to become a singer.

Ivy's parents were furious when they found out that Ivy had auditioned for a dance company without telling them. They felt betrayed that their daughter would go behind their backs like that.

"How could you do this without even telling us?" Ivy's father asked, his voice shaking with anger. "Do you have any idea how disappointed we are in you right now?"

"I just wanted to follow my dreams," Ivy replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"Not a big deal? You went behind our backs and pursued something that we specifically told you not to do," Ivy's mother chimed in. "You've completely disregarded our wishes and that is unacceptable."

Ivy tried to explain that she felt like she had to take this opportunity, but her parents were not willing to listen. They continued to argue, bringing up past instances where Ivy had gone against their wishes. The argument escalated quickly, with Ivy feeling more and more frustrated. She couldn't believe that her parents were so upset with her for trying to pursue her passion. In the end, they all went to bed angry, with Ivy feeling like she would never be able to make them understand.

The argument between Ivy and her parents about her audition for the dance company continued for days without any resolution. Ivy felt like she was constantly walking on eggshells around them and couldn't take it anymore. So, she decided to leave for her aunt's house to clear her head.

When she arrived, Ivy broke down in tears as she explained the situation to her aunt. Her aunt listened patiently and then promised to talk to Ivy's parents and try to help them understand her side of the story.

After a few days, Ivy's aunt called her to let her know that she had talked to her parents. Ivy was nervous to hear what they had to say, but her aunt reassured her that everything was going to be okay.

"I talked to your parents and helped them see things from your perspective," her aunt said. "They didn't realize how much this meant to you and how much you were willing to sacrifice for it."

Ivy's heart skipped a beat as she listened to her aunt's words. She couldn't believe that her parents were finally starting to understand her passion for dance.

"I also convinced them to let you audition for the company," her aunt continued. "They realized that they were being too hard on you and that they should support you in your dreams."Ivy was over the moon with happiness. She couldn't wait to get back home and thank her aunt and parents for their support. A few days later, Ivy returned home and was greeted with open arms by her parents. They apologized for overreacting and promised to support her in her dance journey.

From that day on, Ivy felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew that pursuing her passion wouldn't be easy, but with the support of her family, she felt like anything was possible.

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