Haunted Dreams

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In anger's grip and sorrow's hold,

I dream of forests, misty, cold,

To run away, let legacy end,

Escape the curse that will not bend.

The darkness whispers in my ear,

Of ways to end this constant fear,

To find a branch, to hang and sway,

And let my pain just slip away.

But then I think of those I love,

Their hearts would break, their lives undone,

The shame, the grief, the endless tears,

Their haunted dreams, their deepest fears.

For family's sake, I tread each day,

In shadows where my demons play,

I dread society's cruel gaze,

Yet for my kin, I face the maze.

Each morning brings a heavy sigh,

A war within, a silent cry,

I plaster on a silvery smile,

A mask to hide my pain awhile.

They see a face that seems at peace,

A lie that offers no release,

Beneath, the anguish tears my soul,

A wound that time cannot make whole.

I dread the waking hours' strain,

The endless march, the ceaseless pain,

Yet for my family, I endure,

To keep their hearts and minds secure.

In silent rooms, I scream inside,

Where no one sees the tears I hide,

A porcelain doll with hollow eyes,

Deceiving all with practiced lies.

For their sake, I'll play the part,

A broken soul with painted heart,

I'll bear the weight, the endless fight,

To shield them from my darkest night.

But deep within, the shadows creep,

In misty forests, secrets keep,

I long for peace, for pain to cease,

Yet bind myself to love's caprice.

And so I walk this weary path,

Between despair and family's wrath,

A prisoner of my own design,

A silver smile, a hollow shine.

For in their eyes, I find my strength,

To carry on, to go the length,

Though anger burns and pain remains,

I'll face the dawn, despite the chains.

In love's cruel dance, I'll play my role,

With fractured heart and aching soul,

To keep them safe, to see them smile,

I'll wear this mask and wait awhile.

by Nina LR

Midnight Darkness a series of poems  By Nina LRWhere stories live. Discover now