Sorrows In The Deep

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By the sea, I tread alone,

With waves that echo sorrow's tone,

A battle rages in my mind,

A pain too deep, a heart confined.

The ocean's breath, a salty sting,

Reminds me of the wounds I bring,

Each thought, a wave that crashes hard,

Each memory, a broken shard.

The battles fought within my head,

Are like the salt on wounds that bled,

A searing burn, like alcohol's bite,

A pain that lingers through the night.

I gaze upon the endless blue,

And wonder what it'd be to subdue,

To drown my sorrows in the deep,

To find a place where I could sleep.

The sea calls out with gentle sway,

A promise of an endless bay,

Where pain and heartache fade away,

And silence holds the night and day.

I ponder drifting far from shore,

Where troubles cease and hurt no more,

To float upon the ocean's breast,

In quietude, to find my rest.

Yet in the depths, a haunting fear,

That even there, the pain draws near,

For though the sea may soothe and lull,

The heartache still would fill the hull.

By the water's edge, I stand,

With heavy heart and open hand,

Contemplating sorrow's end,

In the embrace the sea might lend.

The waves lap soft against my feet,

A rhythmic pulse, a sorrowed beat,

They whisper secrets of the deep,

Of endless dreams and endless sleep.

But here I linger, bound by thought,

By battles that my mind has fought,

Unsure if ocean's calm embrace,

Could truly mend my fractured space.

So, by the sea, I tread and weep,

In shadows where my sorrows seep,

A wish to find a pain-free way,

Yet knowing I must face the day.

For though the sea calls out to me,

With promises of being free,

I fear the depths where darkness lies,

And so I stand beneath the skies.

The ocean's song, a mournful tune,

Beneath the sun, beneath the moon,

I wonder if my soul could heal,

Or if this pain is all too real.

by Nina LR

Midnight Darkness a series of poems  By Nina LRWhere stories live. Discover now