Chapter 13: Their past

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**** Sharna's pov ****

I slowly opened my eyes and realized that my surroundings are completely foreign to me. Then I suddenly remembered what happened and tears stream down my cheeks.

"No sharu you have to be strong" i thought.

I started observing my surroundings and started looking for a way out when I heard footsteps approaching me, i quickly closed my eyes acting as if am still unconscious. Door of the room open and i could hear those footsteps coming closer and closer. My heart beats were increasing with each step he was taking. And i knew that I was doomed when he said.

"Okay enough of acting doll now come on get up." He was just beside me, i closed my eyes more tightly.

"So we are not taking things in easy way, are we??" Once he was finished he picked me up in his arms causing a small gasp to left my mouth. He started to walk outside with me wiggling in his arms to get out of his hold but he seems less affected by it.

Soon we came to a place which looks like a bedroom to me. A Luxurious one. But then those memories started to flash in my eyes.


7 years ago

**** Author's pov ****

Room was filled with the screams of a girl. A boy was trying to take of her clothes while she was trying to protest and was begging him to let her go but the boy was least affected by her efforts.

"Aahh please leave me... please." She said with tears flowing from her eyes as he tear down the sleeves of her top making her feel exposed in front of him.

She tried to cover herself with her hands but he grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head while he attacked on her neck. He started to bite her neck giving her hickeys and she was just crying helplessly begging him to stop.

"Ahhh Nikhil please let me go...ahhhh" She cried out of pain but he didn't stop.

Flashback ends

**** Sharna's pov ****

My vision started to blur out because of the tears. I once again tried to come out of his grip but he was strong. I kept on struggling while he put me one the bed and took out a handcuff from the nightstand beside the bed. 

My eyes widen knowing what was coming next, i tried to push him but he grabbed both of my hands before I could do anything and handcuffed me. Tears stream down my eyes and he just softly wipes them away while feathering my cheeks. Once again I was in the same position, all helpless infront of him. Once again he is going to rape me and i won't be able to do anything against him.

I cried more when he hovered above me. He just smiled wickedly before saying.

"It's been years since I have tasted" I cried more while he just laughed at my condition.

"Please don't do this with me please I beg you.." i still begged him knowing he won't stop.

"Ohh my doll you know na how much I love this body of yours don't you?? How can you expect me to let you go when I have caught you after years??" He said and started taking off his clothes. My breathing became heavy, i was continuously shaking my head, telling him not to do this. But he didn't stopped.

**** Ivaan's pov ****

I was here in front of the house where I never wanted to come but here i am. I was here because my dear father wanted to sell this and i was here to stop him. This house has lots of memories with it. Bitter and sweet it contains my childhood days, it has the memories of my mother and selling it was the last thing I would do or maybe not even last thing I would never sell it. It's the only memory of my mom. She brought this house by her hard work and no one can buy it.

I took a deep breath and entered inside the house. The dust particles entered my nose as soon as I entered inside causing me to cough aggressively. After some time when I was fine i entered in that particular room. Memories this room hold is only bitter but afterall I was the one responsible for it wasn't i??


21 years ago

**** Still ivaan's pov ****

I angrily stormed out of the house as mom said that we can't go to India but I wants to meet my father. I came outside and it was raining I went towards the garden and sat down hugging my knees. 

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered my memories with aaru i miss her and baba it's been one year since am living with mumma and I want to go back but mumma never listens to me, she don't even let me talk to baba and i can only talk to aaru once in a month. Mumma is so bad she don't love me. I hate her.

It was almost night when I finally decided to go home. Entering inside one thing I noticed was everything was messed up, i was bewildered about the situation when I heard mumma screaming i got scared and run towards the room from where the sound was coming.

I entered inside and i saw my mom's face and hand covered in blood. In her own blood. It scared me to the core. Mumma noticed me and signal me to run away from there but I did not leave my place. I was about to go to mumma when two men forcefully took her inside the room and when I tried to open the door it was locked. I stand there trying to open the door while the only voice i could hear was of my mom begging for help.

Soon door opened and two men come outside i was hiding inside the cupboard peeking outside that's why they couldn't find me. Once they were gone i entered the room and saw my mother's almost lifeless body i went towards her crying.

"Mumma... please talk to me na mumma I'm sorry." I cried while shaking her, she slowly opened her eyes her breathing were heavy. She cupped my cheeks before saying.

"Ivy ba_cha t_tak_e.....ca_re of..your sister..m_m_ake sure ..she stay away f_fro_m....you_r fa_ther...he is n_ot a good ma_n..he di_d th_is t_to........mu_mma and-" her breathing stopped. I slowly hugged her body and sat there crying and begging her to come back for hours until I realized that she was gone.... forever.

Flashback ends

**** Ivaan's pov ****

Tears slipped through my eyes as I recalled the day mom told me the truth about my father. The day I got to know about the real face behind that facade of innocence. But I had to obey him because of aaru. For her we are the best family and someone has to maintain that image.

I wanted mumma to be here and console me as she used to do when I used to get bad grades. I miss her hugs, her talks, her food, her love, her care. Her everything i miss my mom.


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So how was the chapter??
Find any mistake feel free to correct me 

Double update 

This is the chapter i never thought I would write but here I am. 

As you all know my excited a$$ can't sit without writing a chapter and making the situations in my story more worse. So yea there are more worse chapters in there way.

If you want you can throw tomato and slippers at me for this chapter. You can even give me gaaliya for this and I'll be reading those gaaliya while drinking my tea.

As usual positive criticism is welcomed wholeheartedly but no bad word about my writing or about my babies will be tolerated by me and I will respectfully delete those nonsense comments if there will be any.

I couldn't write any longer as I was already in tears because of my breakup and couldn't think of anything else to add in the chapter.

Bye bye 
Good night  take care 
Your lovely

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