Chapter 8: A fresh start

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**** Sharna's pov ****

I was not in my senses, this was something I was expecting yet it was so unexpected for me. Baba was all fine when I was at the hospital and now he is no more this wasn't making any sense to me. Maa was a crying mess and I was in Aarna's embrace as I couldn't cope up with the fact that baba has left all of us alone.

"Ekaksh is coming, only he can tell what actually happened there." I heard Ivaan saying.

I hope bhai just came and said hospital has mistaken someone else as baba and everything is alright.

But some where deep inside me i knew that's not going to happen and baba has left us.

"Did you asked about baba?" I questioned while snuggling more into Aarna for comfort.

"I did not prefer to as if what we heard is true he may not feel good to talk about that with me as we both never were and are on good terms Sharna." He replied to my question and I don't know why but my heart break at thought that he too thinks baba is no more and is here out of sympathy and pity.

"I don't need anyone's sympathy on me, okay am all fine i don't need your fake care." I yelled at all of them and storm off to Aarna's room without hearing anything they were saying to me.

Entering inside my eyes fell on my brother's pic scattered all around her room. This girl really is head over heels for my brother, i chuckled for a moment I forgot that what has happened. But soon tears made there way from my eyes, i fell on my knees and started to cry my heart out. I don't care about them all i want is to be left alone.


**** 3 year later ****

Stepping out of the building i felt cold breeze washing off my face, it felt so relaxing. I took a deep breath finally my dream of becoming a criminal lawyer was fulfilled. I got job at one of the best law firm of London. I looked in the sky and thought.

"Look baba your daughter has become a criminal lawyer and soon she is going to make you proud." Lone tear left my eye when I think of baba but I quickly wiped it and smiled.

"Sharna!!" I heard Ishika calling me from behind and a small smile crept on my face. I turned around only to get in bone crushing hug well it felt warm.

"So you were waiting for me??" I questioned her while we both starting to walk towards bus stand.

"I was waiting for you for more than 2 hours can you imagine 2 hours?? I was extremely bored but I wanted to congratulate you before that grumpy brother of yours." She said well i don't know why but she and my brother are always fighting and competing about any random thing possible.

I smiled a little.

"So did I congratulate you first??"

"Well no" I replied and her face fell. Trust me her face was worth watching after a hectic day.

"He already congratulated you??"

"No but neither did you"

"Ohh yea congratulations for getting hired at one of the biggest law firm of London." She congratulated me and i smiled at her.

Soon our bus arrive and we both sat in it while talking about random things.

I and Ishika met when I came back to London to focus on my studies at it was baba's dream to see me becoming a successful criminal lawyer. I met her at a café and I get to know we both were in a same University just different fields. Soon we become friends. I realized we both were alike at lot of things. She has always comforted me whenever I missed baba. She was always there for me whenever I needed her. And i was for her.

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