2 Burns with curiosity

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When everyone finished eating they were tired because they were so full

•Mr elf - Wow.... its flavor is very appealing..

Mrs elf - I think we should rest a bit before talking

Ben and Holly nodded

20 minutes later

Ben - Everything's better now...Mom, is it time for me to tell Holly what happened?

Mrs elf - Go ahead Ben

Ben stood up and walked towards Holly then sat down next to her and prepare his words

Ben - Uh...um so Do you really want to hear what happened now?

Holly - Yes, say it all

Ben - Ok.. Our kingdom used so much illegal magic for decades, has been noticed by creatures from deep underground. Those creatures hate magic because is noisy and has high luminosity also the weak point of those creatures is light...uh

Holly - But why do they invade us instead of hiding from those weaknesses? We didn't do anything to them!

Ben - It's true that we don't do anything to them, but they are very hyperactive and aggressive creatures they have existed for a long time, but no one knows why they appeared and there is no gene species in common with them

Holly - That's really strange, could it be that they were created by magic or something.... could it be that they are... aliens?!

Ben - All you say is possible just not sure what they are made of...Ben cleared his throat And they love to explore new things that involve violence So instead of ignoring us, they want to invade us just because they like it they like to do things their way

Holly - I see...what's the name of those creatures?

Ben - There are many types of them, so they are often referred to as Kark or Krac But most people prefer to use Krac

Holly - That's all?

Ben - Yup!

Holly suddenly became silent and fell into a state of thought
Ben noticed and was about to ask her if she was okay

Ben - Hey...what's wrong?

Holly - Sigh You already know I miss my family members and friends especially Nanny plum she was the last person I saw before I lost consciousness Holly stroked her hair and revealed the wound on her head

•Ben - a wound right on your forehead?...

Holly - you see I hit my head against a wall because I was running too fast and wasn't paying attention to what was ahead

Little Winter // Ben and Holly Little Kingdom FanficWhere stories live. Discover now