Chapter 15A [BUBBLY]

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As Frida and I glide through the gates of the hotel, the opulence of the estate unfolds before us like a scene from a lavish period drama. The car rolls along the gravel driveway, the crunching sound beneath the tires a crisp counterpoint to the soft murmur of conversation between us.

The hotel, an imposing structure of classic elegance, rises up to greet us, its windows winking in the sunlight as if in welcome. I can't help but notice the guards, stationed like sentinels at strategic points around the grounds. Their vigilant eyes follow our progress.

"Why so many guards?" I ask Frida, my curiosity piqued by the unusual sight.

"With so many influential people gathered in one place, they can't take any chances," she replies, her voice carrying a note of nonchalance that belies the gravity of her words. "One of the sponsors runs a bodyguard agency, so he offered his services. And the hotel didn't hesitate to triple the security."

I nod, taking in the information as we pull up to the entrance.

As we step out of the car, Charles, ever the gracious host, approaches with a smile that reaches his eyes. The bellboy, quick and efficient, whisks our luggage away, and I feel a momentary pang of anxiety as Frida's car is driven off by the valet.

Inside, the lobby is a hive of activity, the air buzzing with the energy of arrivals and reunions. Charles hands us our ID tags, and I study mine with a mix of surprise and amusement. 'Organizer' it reads, and I can't help but raise an eyebrow at Frida.

She laughs, the sound bright and clear. "Well, you did help make this event possible, even if it was just by planting the idea. So, technically, you're an organizer."

The joke lightens the mood, and we share a moment of laughter before Frida is whisked away by Charles to attend to last-minute details. I'm left with my keycard, the weight of the title settling on my shoulders like a cloak.

As the elevator doors glide open with a soft chime, I step out into the plush corridor, my footsteps muffled by the thick, patterned carpet. I can't help but notice the guards, their presence a silent testament to the gravity of the recent incidents that had occurred across the cities. It's both reassuring and unnerving to see such a display of security.

The hotel management didn't want to leave anything to chance, every hallway had at least two guards stationed even at the entrance of the elevators. The CCTV cameras, usually discreet, were in plain sight, testifying to the meticulous planning that had gone into ensuring our safety.

I make my way to our room, the keycard feeling cool and heavy in my hand. As I slide it into the door, there's a soft beep, and the light turns green. Pushing the door open, I'm greeted by a rush of cool, scented air that wraps around me like a silk shawl. The room is a symphony of luxury, every detail curated to pamper the senses.

The first thing that catches my eye is the two queen-sized beds that dominate the space, their headboards upholstered in a rich, dark wood that contrasts with the creamy linens. The beds are an invitation to sink into their downy comfort, to let the worries of the day dissolve into their crisp, white sheets.

My gaze drifts to the floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a panoramic view of the hotel grounds, the lush greenery pressing against the glass like a living painting. The drapes, heavy and opulent, are pulled back to let in the golden light of the afternoon sun, which bathes the room in a warm glow.

A delicate fragrance lingers in the air, a blend of jasmine and something citrus, creating an atmosphere of calm and serenity. It's a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the hotel lobby, a private oasis amidst the chaos.

I move further into the room, my fingers trailing over the smooth marble countertop of the minibar, the cool surface grounding me. There's a softness to the lighting, the lamps casting gentle pools of light that dance across the surfaces, creating a sense of intimacy.

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