Chapter 15B [ISIS]

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Through Damian's eyes:

As I watch Ruby leave the hall with Alex, a surge of jealousy washes over me. I shouldn't indulge in such weaknesses; I can't afford to. But the monster doesn't care for the rules I live by. It feels, it desires, it protects—especially when it comes to Ruby.

The monster was the first to be drawn to the fire in her spirit. It's that same fire that now fuels my jealousy, turning it into a mask of anger. I'm not angry at her, no. It's Alex and his father, their hidden agendas that spark my fury. They're a threat to her, and the monster, it doesn't like threats to what it considers its own.

The clamor of the hall grates on my nerves, the blend of strong perfumes and the constant hum of conversation feels like chains around my spirit. The air is thick with the musk of affluence and  pretension, each breath a reminder of the charade I'm forced to endure. Laughter rings hollow in my ears, the sound of it as jarring as the clinking of glasses, a symphony of self-importance that I can't wait to escape.

I long for the solitude of my room, a sanctuary where the final pieces of my plan can fall into place. But as I'm about to make my way out, Isis steps in front of me, her expression making it clear she wants to talk.

She's beautiful, yes, but her beauty does nothing to quell the beast's sudden distaste. It's a new reaction, one that's been growing stronger recently. Her scent cuts through the opulence. It's a familiar fragrance, one that used to signal the beginning of pleasurable escapades. Now, it's tainted with the beast's disdain, a bitter note that sours the air between us.

The beast has always been indifferent to my sexual encounters, but now it sneers, it judges, it disrupts. And I don't like it. It's an irritation.

"Damian," she scolds, her eyes flashing with a challenge I'm not in the mood to face.

"Fancy meeting you here." Her words are an attempt to tether me to a past that the beast and I have no desire to revisit.

"Isis," I say, my voice steady. "This isn't the time."

My gaze is unyielding, a silent challenge that I hope she'll understand without further confrontation. She stands her ground, her eyes locked on mine, searching for the man she once knew.

But he's not here—not really. The man who shared her bed was a means to an end, a strategy to win over her father's favor and his company's shares. The guilt of using her lingers, a shadow of remorse that I push aside. In the world of cutthroat business, there's no room for such sentiments.

Isis doesn't seem to hold a grudge, though. She's suggested a casual arrangement, friends with benefits, but the monster has other ideas. It's become selective, choosy, ruining any mood that doesn't involve Ruby.

Her lips part as if to argue, but I don't give her the chance. I maneuver past her, the monster's irritation a shared sentiment.

"Excuse me," I murmur, and with that, I leave her standing amidst the glittering crowd.

I make my way to my room, my mind still on Ruby. The way she laughs, the way she moves—it's all so achingly familiar. And yet, there's a distance, a chasm that's formed between us over time and circumstance.


The pool area unfolds as a refreshing oasis, its waters a clear, inviting blue that beckons the guests to its embrace. Sunlight dances across the surface, casting a shimmering pattern that contrasts with the serene, azure depths. Around the pool, loungers are arrayed in welcoming rows, offering a comfortable reprieve for those seeking to bask in the warmth of the day.

The lounge area is equally enticing, with its plush seating and ambient lighting creating a relaxed atmosphere. It's a social hub, alive with the gentle murmur of conversations and the soft clinking of glasses, as guests mingle and unwind in the leisurely hours of the morning.

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