⚴ 𝟐.𝟑 𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊

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MEETING LYDIA was undoubtedly... interesting, to say the least. From what I could tell and was told by Emilie, Lydia was the Queen Bee of the school, but also was top of our class. When Emilie introduced us for the first time, she seemed unphased, but I could feel the uncertainty and apprehension coming off of her.

To ease her, I complimented her outfit, and she relaxed.

She sent me a haughty smile before looking me up and down. "You have so much potential if you didn't dress like a female lumberjack," Lydia said, referring to the red and black checkered flannel I was wearing over a grey camisole, black ripped jeans, and combat boots I had chosen for my outfit that day.

I was taken aback by the blunt comment but smiled at her nonetheless.

"Maybe you can help with that." I could tell I said the right thing because she had suddenly linked arms with me and started to drag us off to the class we had shared, with a giggling Emilie and Allison behind us.


As much as I disliked school, PE could be the highlight of my day. It was the only class that fulfilled the need to run and pump me full of adrenaline that I used to get while hunting with Sam and Dean (I know it sounds crazy, but you kinda have to be if you hunt things that go bump in the night). We were rock climbing today, and I stood a little off to the side of Emilie and Stiles. They were murmuring and cheering for Scott and Allison as they climbed the wall.

They were cute together, but apparently, they were in a Romeo and Juliet kind of romance for whatever reason. Emilie filled me in on their story, but I could tell she wasn't telling me everything that had gone on between them. After Allison had left Scott in the dust, Emilie and Stiles went up next. They were neck and neck until Emilie eventually beat Stiles, making me smile at Stiles's pouty face, but I could feel he wasn't too mad about what had happened.

"Alright, next two! Winchester, Erica, let's go." Coach called for us to go next. I went up to the wall and hooked the line onto the harness we were given as class started. I looked over to see Erica nervously hooking the line on the harness, and I could feel her nerves and fear. I sent the scared blonde a kind smile in hopes of soothing her nerves. She sent me a small smile back before Coach blew his whistle, signaling us that we could climb.

I climbed up the wall pretty quickly, and before I kicked off the wall to get down to the mat, I noticed that Erica had barely climbed a few feet up. Her shoulders started to shake, making me furrow my brows in concern, and I slowly made my way down to her level.

"Erica, you dizzy? Is it Vertigo?" I heard Coach call out to her, but I kept my eyes focused on her, seeing her hyperventilate.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia explained snidely, and I could practically hear the roll of her eyes.

"Erica, you doing alright?" I asked gently as I climbed down to her level, trying to make eye contact with her.

She looked at me with her brown eyes filled with fear. "I'm fine." Erica called out shakily.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe," Allison said, voicing her concern. "You know she's epileptic." I heard Allison reveal, making my head snap down to her, concern rising in me for Erica. I know I don't know her but I wouldn't want anyone to be in her position right now.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me about this stuff?" Coach said exasperated.

I pressed my lips together at Coach's incompetence before turning back to Erica, who was gripping the wall tightly.

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