A Sudden Challenge at GameStop!

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It was the start of Spring and Bethanie decided to spend time away from her studies for a bit to visit the nearby GameStop in Southern England. Walking into the store, she was quickly taken aback by how TWO events were happening at the same time. Wanting to find out more, she walked forward for a moment before noticing two large posters near the counter. One was for a game's release, and by the title and cover of it... it was a depressing one. The other was the 10th anniversary of a good Pokemon game that she had been meaning to complete. 

As she went to approach the counter to ask more about this, that was when she noticed how someone else appeared to also be confused at this as they held the games in their hands.

Looking over, Bethanie noticed how it was an older man with a backwards black cap, a thick brown beard and simple clothing. Not realising who it was, that was when Bethanie decided to ask – as she did have an idea for if this was a high-ranked YouTuber.

Bethanie question. "Hello, I'm Bethanie. Do you know anything about Pokémon Diamond – I've been meaning to play it but... I need someone to upload a proper tutorial onto YouTube. Are you one of the most subscribed by any chance? And what's your name?"

The older man responded. "Oh, I'm Felix. I own the most-subscribed channel – PewDiePie. And I accept your idea, Bethanie. Even if Jack and Ken are pestering me about this OTHER game..."

"That depressing one? Okay – I challenge you to play the entirety of Pokémon Diamond, even if the champion is difficult to defeat."

"Heh, I do love a challenge. And if I fail... Also – will you be challenging my friends as punishment for ignoring the anniversary?"

"No, Felix, I won't. But if you fail – you MUST shave the beard and maybe stop trimming your hair back so much."

"It's not trimmed that much, I just styled it under my hat, Bethanie."

"Alright then. I have one last question – do you or your friends have a DS or DSi?"

"Marzia does. I can just borrow hers."

"Great! Can she please lend me it if you get stuck, Felix?"

"Yes, Bethanie."

Felix smiled at this as he then purchased Pokémon Diamond before leaving. Bethanie's immediate thought was: He's screwed – I forgot to tell him it's CYNTHIA.

Felix had only just left the building when he noticed a certain green-haired Irish man walk up to him. He appeared to be slightly bored as if he had just got out of recovering from illness or playing a game that left him a little upset.

Felix hid the GameStop bag behind his back as he greeted. "Hello, Jack! Nice day to be going to the GameStop instead of ordering it online, yes? Did Signe ask you to go on an errand or something?"

Jack admitted. "Signe wanted me to find a much happier game after what happened. She tried to show me some of my old favourites, but it hasn't worked... That depressing game left a mark on me... Any ideas for what games I could play? Also – what's behind your back?"

"Have you tried... Puyo Puyo Tetris? Marzia went on about it a lot around the same time as Tomodachi Life. You don't need to know what I bought. Just keep an eye on my channel, okay?"

Smiling a bit, Jack concluded. "Okay, Felix. I'll give it a shot."

After Jack had marched into the store, Felix quickly messaged Ken the same advice, but with a different game, before chuckling to himself. Only to soon hear the same voice from earlier call out to him – Bethanie's.

Bethanie quickly stated. "What game did you suggest Jack, I'm a bit curious."

Felix responded. "Puyo Puyo Tetris, why do you ask?"

"I also have that game. Did you suggest Pokémon to anyone?"

"Ken, I told him to go from the start of the series with Mary and work his way along. From HeartGold and SoulSilver to the recent Sun and Moon."

"Good luck with your Pokémon game, Felix."

"Thank you."

That was when they both parted ways, as they both knew what must be done next. Felix with playing Pokémon Diamond and Bethanie with trying to spread the word about this.

Approaching the shopping district, as it was heading towards lunchtime, Bethanie had managed to arrange for some of those who hadn't moved out of England yet – to meet her here. Including Caitlyn, the article writer, and Brittany – the waitress at the nearby cafe.

Bethanie began, as she noticed the group that had decided to gather here. "I managed to convince PewDiePie to play Pokémon Diamond. Even if he is screwed due to Cynthia being the final challenge."

Caitlyn responded. "Did you convince anyone else to play adventure games or puzzle games? And why did you choose Diamond? Platinum would be harder, but it has more plot – in a way."

Brittany added, pulling out her phone. "Does it count if... I send you stories about the Jimsons and their achievements. They've been doing this since 2014 - when I left to study here for a bit."

Caitlyn looked over and replied. "Yes. Are you still working with... Mason?"

"I can confirm, even though he's not much of a gamer, as I thought..."

Bethanie went on. "I convinced Felix to give Jacksepticeye Puyo Puyo Tetris. And Felix told me he got CinnamonToastKen to play through the series, starting at HeartGold – the DS remake of the game that takes you through Kanto AND Johto. As for why Diamond? Platinum would've been harder to not lose one battle, and the blue of the Legendary – Dialga suits him well. Giratina would've scared the life out of him just on the start screen."

Caitlyn concluded. "I do wonder how Felix is doing..."

Brittany stated. "Knowing him – about to start the adventure in Sinnoh."

"You're right."

Bethanie finished. "And all we have to do now... is wait."

Over at the Kjellberg Household...

Having set up his recording office and connected his DSi, Felix grabbed his hat and headset and proceeded to put them on his head before deciding to sit in his office chair. He thought over the idea once more, and when he had made up his mind – put the new game into the device and decided that it was time to start recording. Turning on the recording application that was on his old laptop and gaming device – Felix then concluded that he should start this Let's Play with the best intro.

Felix began. "Hey, how's it going bros, my name is PewDiePie! And welcome – to Pokémon Diamond. This game came out nearly a decade ago, and a friend of mine recommended it to me. With that, let's start the game!"

Enthusiastically, that was when Felix began the game. For him – Felix thought this was going to be an easy game since he had played similar games during his youth. But, what he didn't realize... was that there was going to be quite a challenge waiting for him in the Pokemon League within Sinnoh...

One week later...

Handing over the DSi, Felix asked bluntly. "Marzia... where's my beard-trimming supplies...? And can you please get Bethanie to beat Cynthia for me?"

Marzia lit up. "Oh! They should be in the vanity. And how close were you to beating Cynthia, Felix?"

"I got through at least one or two members of her team before she wiped me. Will you be delivering the device? And getting her to beat Cynthia for me?"

"Yes! As that was part of the deal after all!"

With that, Felix then headed for the bathroom to shave off his thick beard while Marzia hurried off to Bethanie's home to tell her the news. Bethanie had known this was going to happen. And just like that – Bethanie proceeded to study Cynthia's team and train Felix's team even more before deciding to make a video on how to properly go back through the Elite 4 and defeat Cynthia.

And yes, about 7 and a half years later... a certain French-Canadian journalist would use this tutorial to defeat Cynthia (after 7 attempts, that is...)

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