The Quiet PUBG Live-Stream At Midday

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Twelve bell chimes, and in a split second, two similar livestreams had activated – alerting an online population of 57 million in the process. While that large number was true for one streamer, the other only had the online population of a small village starting to watch theirs. While it was in the middle of the day for one, it had just ticked past 10 at night for the other. But the main thing they had in common – was the goal of teaming up on a survival MMO game – PUBG - to present the world's quietest Let's Play, inspired by Markiplier.

Felix, the streamer with an online population of 57 million, had just finished his sushi delivery meal – when he decided to begin the stream. However – he had to keep it down, as Marzia had decided to drag a beanbag into his office and quietly rested with Edgar at her feet and Maya on her lap. From his shelf – Slippy wearily watched on at his owner of 1 year. Felix quickly learned of the other streamer - that was online - when he met Brittany at the nearby cafe and she talked about these stream assignments that the computer teachers at the Parramatta Community College liked to give random students. And one of them – was Harisu Jimson.

Half the world away from Brighton, England – Harisu was attempting this random assignment with the permission of his parents and his brother, Andrew. Beginning his stream, he didn't know what he was in for, besides being asked to stream PUBG of all games. And the goal was – to not make a noise at all. He knew the chat's presence would be minimal on his end, in comparison to Felix's - so this task might be easier than he thought.

As the two logged onto the game and selected 'Teams of Two'... they were both shocked to learn that they had managed to have each other as teammates. On Felix's end, Marzia couldn't help but giggle silently as she watched her white-haired, brown-bearded boyfriend turn around with his mouth opened and gestured for her to have a look. Meanwhile, with Harisu – he wasn't expecting this as he noticed his chat suddenly growing a bit due to how they were both on the same team and Felix's chat was trying to raid Harisu's.

The only other friend, who was also a small streamer, that was online – was Nathan. He had only known about one of them since arriving in Sydney almost five years ago. Even though he wasn't a night owl, he was determined to see what would happen with these two.

Even though he got the notification that Harisu was ready to start the game, Felix and Marzia soon realised that it was coincidental – as Felix had only just met Brittany earlier that day, and how Brittany would've likely passed the message of Felix's upcoming stream - onto Harisu. Hence why this occurred. Quickly, Marzia summoned Edgar and Maya back as it was time to watch Felix and Harisu try this game out. But silently, as one didn't want to annoy the pugs and his girlfriend, while the other didn't want to wake up his family.

In his apartment, Nathan was primarily watching Felix's stream, even if it was very late for him. But he felt like this was a reward for him – as he'd completed another round of journalism involving studying certain topics and taking notes before publishing the articles. He did want to make an entry about what he was watching but decided not to – as he didn't want to write about streamers that he'd never met before. And wished that he could meet them someday so that he could get to know them more.

As the game finally started up, Harisu and Felix then began their small expedition through this game. Even if it meant having to stay quiet while dodging and battling their way to victory. The good thing was that it would be a clear path towards the Final Battle Arena, as long as their games were on mute – due to the game's habit of having proximity chat automatically turned on.

Marching through the terrain, the two knew that not many would want to take on someone who doesn't want to be smeared in front of MILLIONS. Hence why, this journey would be easier than expected. But there was always that one player who would want them to be smeared.

Picking up some important items – Felix and Harisu then agreed that it was finally time to head to the Final Battle Arena. Although... it was beyond a forest and across a ravine. And the only way to get across the ravine – was to go past the Guarded Bridge.

The Guarded Bridge looked like one of those that trains tend to use when going over lakes and rivers. On it, there were some randomly placed vehicles and boxes. Felix was about to go on ahead when Harisu gestured that he would. Much to the amazement of Marzia, Nathan and the live chat of both streams.

Harisu wished that it would've been better if this involved fantasy, as he could use the power of Megumin's Explosion spell right about now. And the main reason for this – was that he could sense that someone was here, ready to take the duo out. Determined to not let this enrage them – Harisu got Felix to follow him before building a tall structure that went above the trees.

Felix watched on at how Harisu then decided to take out the next best thing to what he could use in a fantasy game – a bow and arrow – before proceeding to headshot the 'bridge camper' - as some would call it. However – this meant that they would now have to face the remaining duo on this map. Even if Harisu's mind was now playing the dreaded Low HP sound from Pokemon, due to how late it was.

Descending the tower, Felix and Harisu knew what they needed to do next, even if Harisu was starting to feel so tired – that he couldn't stay awake for any longer. Noticing the slow movements of his friend's character, Felix realised that it was so late – that Harisu wouldn't be able to stay awake any longer.

With that, Felix decided that the health of Harisu was more important than a silly victory royale. So, Felix proceeded to suggest logging out, by hopping off the game first. Harisu understood this before following suit – both ending the live stream then and there.

Marzia realised that Felix was being courteous before letting him log off. At that same moment, Felix got a message from Jack saying that their Wii Sports Tournament stream was tomorrow – even if Felix did have a bad feeling about this... And it wasn't just because tomorrow was the thirteenth, the unlucky number.

Meanwhile, Harisu ended his stream and deleted PUBG from his computer before deciding to finally hop into bed. As he began to drift off, he knew that he never wanted to stream again and proceeded to only play the Sims 4. What he didn't know, was that in a few months – he would be invited to cover a certain class on the final day of the 2017 scholar year.

As for Nathan, he accidentally left the stream before those final moments of the silent livestream happened. So, he wondered if one of them broke the silence, won or simply gave up. It wasn't until the Journalism Class over in Parramatta, two days later, that he would find out that Felix successfully stayed silent in that stream – the whole time and that Signe broke up with Jack over the Wii Sports incident.

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