Chapter Two

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Copyright Joelle Blue ©

Almost eighteen years later


I woke up before the moon disappeared over the horizon to run with my wolf. I've been running for hours to try and rid the nerves running through me.

I turn twenty-five today. I'm officially of age and will officially be the Alpha Queen. I always have been, but apparently, it's official. Whatever. I hate that word. Official.

Twenty-five years ago, I was born with the distinctive purple eyes that only show up every couple thousand years indicating I am the next Alpha Queen. A' Bhanrigh Mhoir. As I've grown, more and more markings have covered my body with vines and flowers. So now I have bright white hair and a body full of markings. I'm told I'm beautiful and unique. But I honestly feel like a side show piece of entertainment. Over time, I've developed abilities that combine everything alphas, betas, and omegas can do plus a few extra.

Members of packs are coming from all over to tonight's ceremony. The ceremony specifically for me and I wish I can do something to get out of it. Why do I need a ceremony? Why can't we just write a little letter to all the packs saying "She's of age now. Okay, that's all."

It seems ridiculous to me, but it'll make everyone happy, so I'm doing it.

Tomorrow will be here quick mo bhanrigh and it will be over. The packs are honored to be around to witness the Anu blessed my gems tell me. The spirits and I have grown close over the years. They are essentially my councilors and are the real reason I have any gifts at all.

I discovered when I was eighteen that I can help people find their bonded mate. If both people are of age, the spirits tell me where they can find them just by me having a physical connection to them, even the brush of an arm as I walk by. That is exactly what happened the first time. I brushed by a woman and the spirits were practically screaming at me exactly where her mate was. She was so excited, she broke down in tears. She left immediately and came back a year later with her mate to introduce me. It made me feel so good to help two people find that kind of happiness.

Bonded mates are sacred and almost everyone has one, it's just a matter of finding them. Some of us never do and we eventually make peace with that. But it can be a lonely life. Once you come into the same space as your mate, your wolf immediately knows that this person is your Goddess given partner. It's the only way we as wolves can have children, through the bond.

To bond, the couple has to mate. That never seems to be an issue for any that I've seen given that the attraction is so intense. Once bonded, each partner gets an unique marking on their neck.

Only one Alpha Queen since the beginning of time has had a mate and successfully had a Moon Bond. The spirits wouldn't tell me why it's called a Moon Bond. They're kind of secretive with certain things. That Queen lived to be a little over two thousand years old. All other Alpha Queens live around five to six hundred years, and the average wolf lives about three to four hundred years old.

Each new queen is born about every two thousand years. When the queen with her Moon Bond died, so did her bond the Ard Righ, High King, and at the same moment, the next queen was born.

So, my luck in finding my mate is very small. It won't be as obvious to me according to the spirits, but I will know when I know. Like that helps.

I turn back quickly and run as fast as I can home. My white wolf has gotten even bigger over the years. I'm a head taller than my Papa and incredibly fast. It's not just a want to stretch my legs every day, it's a need. My wolf loves to run.

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