Chapter Five

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Copyright Joelle Blue ©

Five years later


Today has not been a good day.

I woke up late, still exhausted, as I am always recently, and had to rush to get ready. In my rush, I tripped on the way outside and ripped the hem of my dress, so I had to go all the way back upstairs and change again.

After being extra careful not to rip my dress, I make it to the training center to find no one there and quickly realized I mixed up days. There's no training in the field today, they're out patrolling and training as wolves and will be gone most of the day.

So, I decide to walk around and check on everyone. I check in with Brigit and Danu, but when I check in with Cormac, he informs me that all the uniforms for the Gallows were dyed pink somehow. Oh, I'm sure they'll all love that.

Then, now as I sit here in my study, just needing a little quiet while I eat my lunch, the lid on my pepper shaker was lose and poured all over my soup.

Today has not been a good day.

I decide I need to just stay in here today. If I stay in here, I won't trip, I won't be given news that I cannot do anything about, I won't ruin my soup. So, I sit and respond to any letters I've received and look over our new recruits, which have increased incredibly.

The rogue problem has gotten worse over the years. These wolves are shifters who are stuck in their wolf form and have lost their human side. This is usually caused by being banished for a crime they have committed or trying to escape their mind. There are many unmated wolves who became rogue from the sadness in their hearts. They just want to escape the feeling. Some find power being a wolf all the time and prefer it. But when we completely lose our human side, our wolf loses its humanity. We attack without cause, we seek disaster, and have no problem killing. They are dangerous and over the years have increased from one or two wolves a year to one or two a week being found.

With that, our recruits have increased. Many packs had no idea that we were having this problem, but once they did, most wanted to help protect their people.

With the baby boom we've had for a century, we get so many each week, that we almost have too many not having anything to do. All packs have a large patrol on their borders constantly and we haven't had an attack in almost three years. They've tried, but the Gallows have become impenetrable and capable.

Now, the task is trying to figure out why this is happening. Is it simply the incredible increase of wolves? Is it a reaction to me being young? Or is it someone causing this to happen? But how could they do that?

Brigit and many other betas have been pawing through textbooks, Danu and her omegas have been listening in on conversations, but no one has had any leads, and frankly, I'm getting annoyed. At myself mostly that I can't solve this problem. That I'm failing as Queen and not keeping our people safe.

After the day I've had, I need to stop. Start fresh tomorrow with a clear head. My mood is crappy and I know I won't be productive the rest of the day.

I realize that dinner time is close and I start to wonder why I haven't seen Collin yet today. He always brightens my mood. We're still very close and still find ourselves in each other's arms often. We've never made it obvious that we get together like that, not wanting anyone to get the wrong idea, but there was no way Brigit wouldn't find out and she whole heartedly approved. I believe she said "I approve. Orgasms would do you some good."

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