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Class C, the low class the slums the pits of U.A. No one interacts with the students and no one ever would until this year.

"U.A traitor? You think we have a traitor?" Shou looked at Nezu blank faced and scoffed. "These are secure grounds if it's not a teacher then you're assuming a student." They said refusing to acknowledge the idea. There was no way a student would give away their dream of being a hero simply for a villain.

"It's best not to ring alarms yet to other staff members but your students are our elite class of spy heroes. We need them as well as you to be on watch." Nezu told them firmly. Shou sighed and muttered a small fine.

The USJ attack was starting to become an issue.


"Dude has anyone seen professor Shou? Aizawa sensei is looking for them" Añgel announced as she walked in the classroom.

"Nah heard he had a meeting with Principal Nezu this morning though" Jam told her while he finished braiding Mariahs hair "I think he'll be back around lunch time"

"Alright class get in your seats we have a mission assigned to us." Shou yelled walking into their classroom.

"Or not" Jam mumbled going back to his seat.

Shou looked around silently while Arata and Pyro finally joined the class. They looked at the file held in their hands and frowned. These kids weren't even able to completely blend into their surroundings yet. How would they pull this off? Plus they had to prepare for the sports festival soon.

"Nezu thinks theres a traitor in the school someone leaking our information to Tomura Shigaraki. Our job is to figure out who and if there actually is one."

"How do you not know it's one of us?" Shikika asked. Shou smiled but it felt unsettling.

"We always know whats happening in Class C"

That felt unsettling. Was there no better way to word that? Jade gripped onto her pencil his hand shaking slightly. What exactly could their teacher mean by they always know whats happening in class c?

"Teams will be simple Jam and Aňgel will be in charge of the check ins at the sports festival, Students only. Glitch every student try to find some type of hint Jam have the colors look natural for a while so no one gets suspicious." They said handing the two their files.

"Sebastian, Izara, and Shikika. You three will be in charge of gathering information that Añgel and Jam couldn't get. Izara how much pollen do you have saved up?"

"Enough for about 16 pouches if I distribute equally why?"

"Save up more just in case someone catches on." They handed the three their files and started back speaking.

"Mariah and Amaya I need you two to watch the students carefully during the festival try to pick out anything suspicious everyone else you're on standby until further notice. we'll continue this talk after lunch."


Jade, Izara, Sebastian, and Hitoka walked towards the lunchroom while discussing the contents of the file. They had all forgotten their lunches and chose to head towards the cafeteria, Usually Arata-sensei would be against this. But since they had a mission that involved the students they allowed them to go to the cafeteria.

"Okay but why would Midoriya do something like that? He's wanted to be a hero his whole life" Hitoka said with a frown as they waited in line.

"You went to middle school with him Toka you know why" Sebastian said grabbing his food and going to sit down at a random table.

"We could get Seb to use his quirk couldn't we?" Jade suggested following after him

"Okay yeah but like how would we-" Izara was cut off with an explosion coming from behind them.


Izara groaned and almost slammed her head on the table before it was caught by Hitoka.

"Sorry uh Bakugou I think you are? We didn't realize this was your spot" Hitoka said smiling sweetly.

Sebastian got up first shoving past Bakugou making sure to stumble a bit afterwards and mumble an apology to make it seem like an accident. He carried his food towards the classroom the other three following closely behind him.

"You got the blood?" Izara asked

He held up a bracelet full of blood. "Hell yeah."


It didn't take long for them to figure out if the blood was safe for Sebastian to ingest. Once he had a taste he was hit with everything he could find on Bakugou.

"Hand me my glasses please" Sebastian asked as the information started to flow in.

Muirei was quick to hand them to him. "What do you see Seb?" she asked nervously.

Everyone held their breaths they didn't know what to expect. The possibility that Bakugou was innocent was small considering he was in the top five suspects.

"I have some calls here but they're all either from his mom auntie or that Midoriya kid he's a clean slate." Sebastian said sighing frustratedly

Muirei released a breath and smiled. "It's just the beginning of course we aren't gonna find our guy right away dude."

Sebastian hummed while swishing mouthwash around his mouth and swallowing.

Jam sighed running his hand through his hair. "Alright guess we got one more resort before Professor Shou's plan kicks in, Ruma and Amaya you two are up Arrietty watch them make sure we get this right." He explained carefully.

"And if someone spills the fact we're going against official orders?" Heiwana questioned.

"Thats when you come in keep them quiet if they talk."

This was Class C

and this was their first official mission.


Somewhere else in U.A someone walked the halls whispering on the phone.

"That class knows you have people planted here."

"Then you get rid of them too"

"Get rid of them? ha that's funny legally I can't do that and

Class C:lassified (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now