What defines a hero?

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The picture is Muirei🔥 this is the start u guys enjoy ! (funfact this is the longest chapter published with 1,016 words)

Song: Tunnel Vision—Melanie Martinez


Muirei stumbled down the road towards her home till she heard a familiar voice coming from the alleyway. She slowly walked towards it and recognized it instantly. 'Professor Arata?'.

Now, Muirei isn't the type to be nosy but in this case she had no other choice. For heavens sake her teacher was in a shady dingy alley on the phone with someone!

Sometimes you should mind your business though.

Muirei listened carefully and god did she wish she didn't.

"Ahh you worry too much Tomura Shigaraki. I don't even work for you, You don't know my performance skills."

She didn't need to hear more. She focused on eating one of the dead ants she carried around in case of emergency spitting it out and watching its body come back to life. She pointed towards Arata and watched the ant make its way underneath Aratas clothing.

Surely enough a few minutes later a text arrived from Jam.

The plan they had could wait, they had the info they needed to proceed with Professor Shou's plan. Almost like they knew the traitor would reveal himself in such an obvious manner.

It didn't matter anymore, she had to go. The sick feeling of eating bugs was coming back. Praying no one saw her she ran as far as she could from the alley she ran till her lungs burned ran with thoughts racing.

Would Arata really do that to them?

Had Shou lied to protect him?

Was she human.

Those questions welled up in her, looks like another sleepless night for the damned.

After all, She wasn't even human was she?


Shou tossed in their sleep. Couldn't quite focus couldn't listen couldn't stay still. The dream that kept reoccurring since that night why could they not let it go why was it stuck on repeat.

They hated hearing Arata scream. Afterall, thats their best friend their partner in crime their side kick.

Not sleeping wouldn't harm them.

They sat up and checked their phone debating on if they wanted to participate in the U.A teachers nightly game of 'I can't sleep so im gonna bother Shouta'. They had nothing better to do.


That morning, Muirei walked into the classroom and looked directly at Jam.

"Excuse me for a second Mari I have to talk about something with Rei" He said walking off.

Muirei couldn't explain it, but she felt fearful of Jam at that moment. Like he was planning something idiotic and dangerous.

"You say you overheard the professor."

"I did. Loud and clear."

Jam looked at her for a second. Her stare was blank void of anything.

"Forget our plans tomorrow's the festival. I'll handle it then" He said walking off.

Muirei wanted to go after him. Wanted to stop him. But deep down she knew she shouldn't move an inch if she wanted to keep her spot in class C.


The very next day during festival preparations Muirei was stuck to silver like glue.

"Mui.. Are you alright?" Sebastian asked looking up from his task of handing out hand sanitizer and wet wipes

"I'm fine bas.. just a little tired today thats it" She said smiling towards him.

"You know who isn't fine? Mariah" Ruma said carrying in boxes of equipment. Almost immediately everyones head turned to see Mariah and Jam arguing over something before Jam ultimately ended up storming off.

"Should we go after him?" Komoru said flapping her wings slightly

"You all stay here, i'll follow." Professor Shou said leaving them under the watch of Aizawa.

Silver would have listened she really would have, but curiosity and a big heart is a deadly mix.


Jam approached Professor Arata silently. Her steps could barely be heard and he had his quirk blending the colors around him.

He could have gotten away with sneaking up on the professor if he really wanted to.

Keyword: could've.

Before he could get any closer she felt a sharp pain in his neck. Arata had lightly touched it sending a paralyzing needle through his skin.

"the second you move you die." Arata whispered and Jam felt fear course throughout his veins.

"What.. are you doing professor" He choked out and Arata hummed

"I'm just doing my job ki-" before he could finish his sentence he was quickly knocked away the needle slipping from Jam's throat blood spilling endlessly

"Punctured vein put pressure on it use my handkerchief" Shou said throwing their handkerchief towards Jam who obeyed silently watching Shou as he walked towards Arata.

"Who are you and wheres my partner." Shou said quickly opening a random portal that led to a wooded area when needles came rushing towards them.

"Arata's quirk isn't whatever the hell you're pulling. His quirk is torment." They said closing the portal "Jam go and get Pyro just in case" Shou said moving towards the impostor slowly.

The second Jam moved to go and get Pyro however the imposters quirk went off and thousands of needles shot towards Jam, Shou was quick to push Jam out of the way opening up two portals one in front of them and one behind the imposter.

The needles all thousand pierced the imposters body. He fell backwards causing them to pierce even further.

"Holy shit." Jam mumbled eyes widened with shock and fear.

"Pro..ffesor shou?" Silver whispered

Shou looked back with a blank face placing a finger over their lip motioning for them to stay quiet.

The less people that knew the less trouble they were in. They opened another portal leading to the same woodland area as before and kicked the body inside.

"I'll make it look like this whole scene was an accident. You two just have to keep a secret. This case just got messier for us." They said looking at the blood

This was the beginning.

The start of the endless torture the class was about to experience.

They had a feeling no one was coming out alive.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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