Two !

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i wake up exceptionally early this morning to a phone call, who in the fuck calls at 5:15 in the morning?

"oh, it's mom" i sigh and answer the phone call.

"fermín? hello?"

"yeah, mom?"

"dinner at the fontaine's tonight at 6."

"i was planning on hanging out with friends tonight, mom."

"delilah is going to be there, guaranteed."

"okay, i'll be there at 5:45"


this morning i woke up at the crack ass of dawn to go for a run again, this time going a whole different route so i don't meet a certain someone again.

i was totally focused on thinking about this upcoming role i have until i get a phone call. at 5:20 in the morning?

weird, it's my mom.

"yes, mom?"

"delilah? hi."

"hey mom!"

"dinner tonight at 6 with the lopez family"

"no fermín, right? you better not trick me"

"uh.. yeah! no fermín!"

"okay, i'll see you around 5:45, love you"


hours passed and its 5:30, fermín shows up to the fontaine family residence and as soon as he gets their his mother and delilah's mother shuts him in a room.

"huh?" he gets cut off by the door being slammed shut in his face.

moments later, a car arrives in the driveway and someone comes in, delilah.

"hi guys!" she also gets cut off by being shoved into her moms craft room.

"what are you guys doing?" she tries to resist being put in the room but gets shoved in there and the door slammed shut in her face.

just as the door closes she turns around and sees him, she immediately starts banging on the door.

"this isn't funny, guys!"

after begging to be let out for 15 minutes straight, fermín grabs her by her arm and softly pushes her down onto the couch in her moms craft room, she sits down with a huff and crosses her arms.

"they're not going to let us out and you know that."

he sits back down at the desk in the room, back on his phone.

"what's your problem?" she shoots him a disgusted glare.

"huh, i don't know, maybe the fact that my life long best friend just ghosted me when we graduated and has avoided me since? can't even simply wave to me when i drive by." he rolls his eyes and starts typing to someone on his phone.

"phone works two ways, fermín. you could've talked to me, too. just like you're probably talking to some chick right now."

"yeah i am" he says as a car drives up to the house, he opens the window of the craft room.

"on that note!" he says as he hops out of the first story window.

"can't ignore me forever though, lilah."

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this is for you, i love you !

DYLVNSTAPE (pedri to my gavi)  -FERRANLVR  heartsforbrady simplyjoao  LOVEOFJUDESLIFE  imdollita  -PIASTRISLVR  palegods  qlorify  hmulupin  URMYDR3AMGIRL  sacredsuns deitystears szasangel__ AR4UJOS

ally speaks !! ⚽️💗
sorry for the short chapters, but i hope you guys like it !! pls pls PLSSS vote and comment it is very appreciated and helps me stay motivated and chapters will be made a lot faster if i'm more motivated !! thank you i love you all sm <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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