Chapter 6

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   THE DUTIES ASSIGNED to a Hogwarts Prefect were meant to teach responsibility, strengthen the qualities of leadership, and build character. Students from each of the four houses were chosen, selected to wield the power that was handing out detentions, deducting school points, and reporting wrongdoings to higher-level staff.

   Being a prefect was truly nothing like that, at least not for Gryffindor house. Olivia came to realize this during her first week in the position, when she had been paired alongside a seasoned professional: having been a prefect since their fifth year, Remus Lupin.

"Oy, get on out of there and head to bed, Prewett. You've got tryouts tomorrow."

   Remus had just gave a great pounding to the door of a solemn broom closet in the fourth floor corridor. He held his fist inches from the wood for a moment still, craning his ears to listen to the shuffling of two bodies inside as Gideon Prewett and his blonde Hufflepuff girlfriend rushed to dress themselves. Remus' brown eyes glanced over to Olivia, who watched from out in the centre of the corridor with an amused expression.

   Remus forced a smile at her, his lips drawn in a thin, tight line. She shook her head once, before saying, "How'd you know they were in there?"

"Heard them," said Remus simply, shrugging off her question with a slight movement to his shoulder. He looked away from her and to the door again as Olivia's brows furrowed.

"Heard them?" she repeated, her tone laced with heavy confusion. She slid her foot across the stone floor as she adjusted her weight. "How could you of? We were talking — they were quiet as mice."

   Remus made a gesture to his right ear as he retreated a step from the door, knowing that it was about to swing open at any moment. "I've got real great hearing."

   Real great hearing? thought Olivia as she watched the door open, leaving a tousled Prewett twin to clamber out. His red hair was in complete disarray, pairing well with his mis-buttoned shirt and the mischievous smirk to his lips. Surely, no one's hearing can be that good.

"Always a pleasure, Loopen," said Gideon cheekily, baring his teeth at the amusement on Lupin's features. Lupin had his arms folded across his chest as he peered around Gideon slightly, waiting for Holly Parkins to follow out after him. She did so while wearing a flushed, embarrassed sense about her. "How many Galleons will it take for you to cross this corridor off your patrol route for Friday evening?"

"You don't have enough in your pockets," said Remus lightly, through his half-smile. Gideon laughed with him as Holly rounded Gideon's back to cower in the shadow of the wall behind them.

"Holly! How are you, love?" said Olivia kindly, smiling. Holly flushed even deeper as Olivia approached her, hurrying to pull her sweater tighter around her chest to hide the open-ness of her school blouse. Olivia pretended not to notice how flustered Holly was. "Have you decided yet on your Herbology profession?"

   Holly, like her boyfriend Gideon, was approaching graduation. She had always had a great fondness for Herbology, the study of magical plants. Olivia had come across her many times in the greenhouses, helping Professor Sprout to grade papers and projects. She was ingenuous at the subject.

   Holly hid her face in her shoulder for a moment, subtly wiping her mouth against the fabric of her sleeve before finally forcing herself to meet Olivia's eye. Olivia swallowed down the surprise nipping at her. Holly's voice stuttered and squeaked as she said, "Y-yes! I am going to apply into Gladstar's program for magical herb studies. I hope to find more holistic, medicinal cures."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" said Olivia with great excitement. She leapt forward slightly, unable to control herself and bouncing on her feet as she went to seize Holly in a hug. However, before they could touch, Olivia thought the better of it. She awkwardly hung her hands in the air for a moment, her arms open wide and her face contorting as she imagined just what Gideon and Holly had been getting up to in the seclusion of the broom closet. "Actually — I'll just —"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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