The Closet

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 We went into room 204 and they assigned me to sit next to a girl, Heather, who was nice and filled me in on all the past drama. Apparently Stan and Ford were like the forbidden fruit no one ever really talked to them because they always had each other and the jocks would beat you up if you went anywhere near them. Stan did boxing, that's why he's so buff. She said Stan was the golden twin at school but at home Ford was the one who got all the attention, with him being smart and all. When I told her I was going to the party with Stan on Friday she freaked out. During class I couldn't stop myself from looking at Stan, his broad shoulders were in my way. Though he did sit across the room, still!

The next period I had was science with Ford, Heather was right he is really smart. I did fine in class like I got As and Bs and maybe a couple Cs but whatever Ford was talking about was otherworldly, I didn't understand. When I was packing up for my other class I saw that Ford was waiting for me. I walked up to him and said, "Hey."

"Hello, um, I heard you and Stan are going to the party?"

"Yeah, I'm really glad to go to a party, and he seems nice so I'm excited to go."

"Yeah, um, so where are you from?"

"I used to live in Ohio, but it got too wacky."

"So, um, if someone were to be out of the ordinary, you wouldn't ridicule them?"

"Of course not. That'd be, like, mean, and I don't wanna be mean."

"Oh, well, that's really good."

"Are you asking me this cause you think I'll dislike you because of your six fingers?"

"Oh! No! That hadn't even occurred to me, I just, um... well you see... hmm, I seem to have found myself in a pickle."

"Oh, you have?"

"Yes, it's a very bad pickle."



Oh Jimminy Crickets! I've never met a gay before, I've heard of them but never met one, this was new territory. He didn't look how my friend MJ had described them. She said that they usually speak like girl-speak. He didn't speak girl-speak, he spoke normal nerd speak. I looked at him confused then he said,

"Oh shit I shouldn'ta told ya that. God Stanford, keep stuff to yourself and don't cuss in front of ladies."

I grabbed him by the shoulders and told him:

"I don't care if you're gay or not, I still want you as a friend."

He looked at me as if I had spoken gibberish and as he hugged me he whispered "Thank you, Carla."

Right then and there Stan had come in and said "What the hell is wrong with you Ford!" Ford and I looked at him then let go very suspiciously. We both said at the same time, "It's not like that!" Ford and I tried to explain but Stan had ran off. I ran after him with Ford yelling behind me "Don't he like being alone when he's mad." I don't care, I don't want my date to tomorrow's party to hate me. When I caught up to him he was in the janitor's closet punching a sack. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder he whipped his head around saw me and said,

"Look I just thought you were cute, I didn't think you would hurt me this much."

Boy I've known you for like 3 hours what are you on.

"Look I know what you saw seemed a little suspicious but I swear we're just friends. All that happened was that we had an emotional connection."

"What was the emotional connection? That you connected with his cock?"

"Oh my goodness! No! But if he hasn't told you then I won't tell you."

"Oh! Well then sorry for trying to figure out what my date is doing hugging my twin brother."

By then his face and mine had gotten, like, 5 inches apart. I saw he was looking down at me and I, looking up at him. I was right against the wall by this point. He bent down and kissed me. I kissed him back. I sneaked my tongue into his mouth, he fluttered his eyes, and our tongues wrestled. He started ravenously unbuttoning my shirt with his coarse hands, when all of a sudden I heard the closet door open. We stopped and Stan covered me with his body when I heard Ford say "I'm so sorr- oh my god. Stan."

"Oh my god, Ford got out."

He pushed him out and looked at me then said "I'm so sorry but I have to go talk to him, um, I had fun, and you look very pretty."

And he left. I grabbed my shirt and buttoned it up. When I came outside Ford and Stan were standing by the door waiting for me, Stan was leaning on the lockers with his foot against the wall. Ford looked mad at the floor.

"I'm sorry to both of you. We got a little out of hand. Well, we just have to be more careful in the future, huh?"

Stan looked at me as if to say Really never again? Damn. We walked off to lunch. I had just brought a raspberry juice box and an apple. The boys had both brought paper bagged lunches with a sandwich, some carrots, and they bought a carton of milk. Ford looked at my lunch and said "That's all you're eating? Are you sick or something?"

"Ford! You can't say that to a lady!"

"Oh lets be honest she hasn't been a lady since a long while ago."

"You asshole! Shut the fuck up!"

I stood up and ran into the girls bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat, and cried. I could hear Stan pacing outside of the bathroom. The bell rang and I left the bathroom, saw him and started crying again, he embraced me in his big buff hairy arms. I felt so bad since I was probably getting his shirt dirty. And he was wearing a white shirt too, so it would stain way worse. He asked if I wanted to go to the guidance counselor's office with him to sit on the couch and let the teachers know that we're not skipping class. I nodded and we walked over silently over to the guidance counselor's office and lied about the situation. We stayed there for about 2 hours then we went to art unfortunately Ford was there. He walked up to me and begged for forgiveness, I reluctantly accepted. After school we all went to The Juke Joint, there we danced, got milkshakes and just talked. By the end of the night Ford and I had completely made up and I couldn't wait for tomorrow's party.

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